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Algae Analysis Services

Algae can accumulate commercially valuable substances through photosynthesis and are important model organisms for studying plant responses to environmental stresses.

As a pioneer in algae research, our company offers analytical services for a wide range of algae to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Omics Analysis Services for Algae

The term omics refers to fields of study in the biological sciences that end in -omics, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, or metabolomics. The goal of omics science is to identify, describe and quantify all biomolecules involved in the structure, function, and dynamics of cells, tissues, or organisms, and is an important tool to study the processes of algal life activity, the principles of response to environmental stress and the accumulation of target substances.

The icon of genomics.

Genomics - The science of studying the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of the genome with the aim of characterizing and quantifying genes.

The icon of epigenomics.

Epigenomics - The study of a set of epigenetic modifications of cellular genetic material with the two most characteristic epigenetic modifications, which are DNA methylation and histone modifications.

The icon of transcriptomics.

Transcriptomics - The collection of all messenger RNA molecules in a cell, tissue, or organism, including the number or concentration of each RNA molecule, in addition to the molecular identity.

The icon of proteomics.

Proteomics - The sum of all proteins in a cell, tissue, or organism with their biochemical properties and functional roles, and how their numbers, modifications, and structures change during growth and in response to stimuli.

The icon of metabolomics.

Metabolomics - The collection of all metabolites in a biological cell, tissue, organ, or organism that are the end products of cellular processes, including all chemical processes involving metabolites.

The icon of multi-omics.

Multi-Omics - A comprehensive study of the changes in the state and physiological processes of algae through the analysis of several aspects of histology.

Phenotypic Analysis of Algae

In addition to omics data, many phenotypes of algae can be used as parameters to assess changes in the physiological state and physiological viability of the algae in the course of studies on algae.

Algae Lipid Content Analysis ServiceAlgal Reactive Oxygen Species Analysis ServiceAlgae Growth Rate Analysis Service Algal Cell Size and Analysis Service GranularityAlgal Pigment Content Analysis ServicePhenotypic analysis of algae.

Why Choose Us

The advantages of our services.

As a pioneer in the field of algae research and analysis, Lifeasible is capable to provide algae analysis services by professional teams and advanced devices to support algae-related projects for our clients. Please contact us for more information.

Our services are for research use only and not for any clinical use.