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Algae Growth Rate Analysis Service

Algae are novel nutrient producers that can feed on factory waste and produce organic resources through photosynthesis. An important indicator to assess the status of algae is the growth rate of the algae.

As a professional algae research specialist, Lifeasible offers a variety of methods for measuring algae growth rates to help our customers evaluate the status of algae.

Growth Rate as a Key Parameter of Algal Status

The growth rate is one of the indicators of the state of the algae and can characterize the level of integrated metabolism of the algae. Characteristic values of growth rate can be used to screen algae in specific cultural environments or in the presence of environmental stresses. In addition, as potential cell factories, large-scale and high-density cultivation of algae is an important first step in the commercial production of valuable products from algae, and successful microalgae cultivation techniques can meet the need to create more biomass and target products. Therefore, the growth rate is an important parameter in the algae cultivation process.

Calculation of Growth Rates

The growth rate refers to the percentage change in a particular variable over a specific period. The growth rate can be positive or negative, depending on whether the size of the variable increases or decreases over time. Different calculations are used to assess how fast or slow the algae grow.

Percent New Biomass per Day - one of the simple metrics to determine algal growth by simply comparing biomass at successive points in time.

Percent New Biomass per Day

Specific Growth Rate (μ) - a unitless measurement.

Specific Growth Rate

N1 and N2 are the biomass at time 1 and time 2, respectively.

Area Growth Rate (Mass per area time, g/m2s) - the number of new organisms per area per time. This is commonly used to indicate growth in a pond or ocean.

Doubling time - the time it takes for the size/value of a population to double.

Our Services

Algae are new and promising cell factories that can be used to produce a wide range of valuable substances. Lifeasible, as a global leader in algae research, can provide a variety of methods for the algae growth rate analysis services.

Small icon of algae. Weighing Biomass

This is a destructive quantification method, mainly divided into the wet weight method and the dry weight method. The dry weight method involves removing the salts and then baking at 100 degrees Celsius until all the water is driven away from the inside of the cells and then weighing.

Small icon of algae. Cell Counting Method

This method uses a microscope and a blood cell counter to count the number of cells in a fixed volume of fluid on a slide.

Small icon of algae. By Optical Density

This method is based on the Beer-Lambert law of optical density. There are several methods to estimate biomass, such as turbidimeters and spectrophotometers. Although this method is simple to operate, for scientific publications, dry weight or cell count is also required.

Why Choose Us

The advantages of our services.

With advanced equipment, experienced research teams, and a variety of measurement methods, Lifeasible is capable to provide professional, rapid, and reliable algae growth rate analysis services for clients worldwide. Please contact us for more information.

Our services are for research use only and not for any clinical use.