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Algae are a large group of organisms, ranging from microalgae to macroalgae, with multiple trophic patterns, in a wide variety of ecosystems around the world. With a wealth of genetic engineering methods, algae have a wide variety of applications.

The icon of biological research.

Biological Research

Algae are used as model organisms for the study of photosynthesis, metabolic pathways, and multicellular organisms because of their known life cycle, ease of cultivation, and multiple available genetic tools.

The icon of environmental science and renewable energy.

Environmental Science and Renewable Energy

As a rich organism group in nature, algae are able to survive in a variety of demanding environments. Because of their unique environmental friendliness, algae are used in environmental science and renewable energy research.

The icon of industrial production.

Industrial Production

Algae include eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria that are capable of carbon fixation through photosynthesis. In addition, algae are capable of rapid reproduction and can act as cell factories for large-scale production of target materials at low cost.

The icon of agriculture and animal farming

Agriculture and Animal Farming

Algae are rich in nutrients, including abundant proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals. With these nutrients, algae play an important role in agriculture as bio-stimulants and biofertilizers, and in livestock development as animal feed.

Our Services

As a pioneer in algal research, Lifeasible can offer reliable and high-qualityalgae isolation and culture services, algae engineering services, algae analysis services, algae genetic screening services, algae-based production services, algae monitoring services, algae treatment services, and algae-based biosensor services for environmental monitoring. It is our glad to share our technology and experiences with you. Please contact us for more information.

Our services are for research use only and not for any clinical use.