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Industrial Production

Both macroalgae and microalgae have attracted considerable attention as promising sources for the sustainable production of fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins, proteins, polymers, and other compounds of interest. Moreover, secondary metabolites from algae have great potential for industrial development.

Advantages of Algae as Cell Factory

As a new type of solar cell factory, algae have many distinct advantages in the commercial-scale production of target substances.

Resource Friendly

Compared to terrestrial plants, microalgae are not only fast-growing, but they also lack competition for resources used for food crops, including the use of fresh water and arable land.

Environmentally Friendly

The important fact that microalgae have been granted GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status and pose no risk to human health opens a wide path for the use of microalgae as attractive and multifunction cell factories.

Multiple Available Gene Editing Methods

To accommodate commercial and large-scale production, new algal strains with characteristics such as rapid growth, as well as high light and heat tolerance need to be developed. To date, several approaches have been developed to increase algal productivity for value-added biological products.

Multiple Applications for Algae Production

As comprehensive cell factories, algae can be used both directly as nutritional or cosmetic preparations and through diverse genetic engineering means for the targeted production of commercially valuable target substances.

Our Service

Lifeasible has been working on algae for many years and is capable to offer reliable and high-quality algae isolation and culture services, algae engineering services, algae analysis services, algae genetic screening services, algae-based production services, algae monitoring services, algae treatment services, and algae-based biosensor services for environmental monitoring. It is our glad to share our technology and experiences with you. Please contact us for more information.

Our services are for research use only and not for any clinical use.