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Microcystin Pro Phos Detection Assay

Catalog No: ALRK-03008
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Product Details

This assay is based on the phosphatase activity inhibition by microcystins. Under normal conditions, phosphatase is able to hydrolyze specific substrates that can be detected at 405 nm. Samples containing microcystins or nodular algal toxins inhibit enzyme activity in proportion to the amount of toxin contained in the sample. The concentration of the toxin in the sample can be calculated using a standard curve. The most commonly reported cyanobacterial toxins are hepatotoxic microcystins (MCs).MCs are peptides with molecular weights ranging from 900 to 1,100 Da. They consist of seven amino acids, where the two terminal amino acids of the linear peptide condense to form a cyclic compound.
Toxic Detection
Shelf Life:
6 Months

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.