Monitoring Services for Aquatic Algae
Algae can have an important role in aquatic ecosystems as a food and energy base for other organisms, while excessive algal growth can be detrimental. Because of their importance to aquatic ecosystems and sensitivity to environmental change, algal measurements are often a key component of water quality monitoring programs.
With many years of experience in algae monitoring, Lifeasible can provide a wide range of monitoring services for aquatic algae to customers worldwide.
Algae in Aquatic Ecosystems
Most aquatic algae are photoautotrophic cells that contain chlorophyll and have simple reproductive structures. They are similar to plants in aquatic ecosystems, but in comparison, algae lack roots, stems, leaves, and vascular tissues. Like aquatic plants, algae perform photosynthesis for energy. In order to prosper, all algae need sunlight and nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen. In all water bodies, basic algal levels are critical to the ecological balance of the water body. About 70-80% of the oxygen we breathe comes from algae. In addition to producing oxygen, they provide food for fish and other aquatic animals. However, the algal overgrowth can form algal blooms, which can cause damage to aquatic ecosystems.
Effects of Ecological Changes on Algae
The increase in the number of algal cells is influenced by the season, temperature, the amount of sunlight penetrating the water column, the amount of available inorganic nutrients, competition from other algae and aquatic plants, and the amount of time the water stays in the lake. When sufficient sunlight is available, as in the summer, the amount of phosphorus in the lake tends to control the number of algae. And in the fall, fallen leaves, animal manure, waterfowl and atmospheric deposition all contribute phosphorus to the lake ecosystem.
Our Services
Algae play an important role in aquatic ecosystems, including increasing the oxygen content of the water column through sunlight and producing organic matter as a source of food and nutrients for other organisms in the aquatic ecosystem.
As a pioneer in algae testing, Lifeasible has extensive experience in dealing with all types of monitoring services for aquatic algae.

Algae Toxin Detection Service
The problem of harmful algal blooms and food safety caused by algal toxins is very serious. Hence, Lifeasible offers algae toxin detection services based on analytical methods, biological methods, and biosensor methods.

Chlorophyll-α Test Service for Algae
Chlorophyll-α is an important substance in the photosynthesis process of algae and is an indicator to assess and measure the number of algae growing in a water body. We offer both in situ and laboratory testing methods for chlorophyll-α.

Aquatic Algae Biodiversity Monitoring Service
Because algae are sensitive to ecological changes and algae play an important role in aquatic ecosystems, Lifeasible offers morphology- and DNA-based testing of algal biodiversity.
Why Choose Us
As a well-developed CRO company, Lifeasible has been dedicated to algae-related research for many years and is very experienced in algae research and testing. We have provided professional, rapid, and reliable monitoring services for aquatic algae for many years. Please contact us for more information.
Our services are for research use only and not for any clinical use.