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MUT-4301 asq2 mt+

Catalog No: ALS-03472

Product Details

The mutant was made by insertional mutagenesis of strain MUT-849 cw10, and then the initial isolate was outcrossed twice to MUT-125. The strain is in a mt+ background and carries the asq2 mutation, which is in the gene TBCCD1. The phenotype of asq2 is more or less identical to that of vfl1 and vfl3, but we found it through a different initial phenotype and that's why it has a different name. We know it is not vfl1 or vfl3 but we don't know for sure that it isn't allelic to any of the other vfl mutants that have been described in mapping studies. The mutation causes loss of phototaxis, dissociation of mother-daughter centriole pairs, random variation of flagellar and basal body number, and randomization of daughter centriole position on the cell surface (this last phenotype is what the "asq" refers to , it means that the position of flagella is "askew"). The ASQ2 gene is on linkage group IX. The mutation was made by insertional mutagenesis with the aphVII hygromycin resistance cassette. We have cloned the gene, and found it to encode TBCCD1, which was not picked up in the Chlamydomonas genome because of bad sequence reads in the vicinity but we found it by synteny with the corresponding region of the volvox genome.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.