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Quality Control Service for Algae Biofuel

Algae have the potential for very biofuel production. However, to put algae biofuels into use, there is an urgent need to control their oil content and quality.

With years of experience in algae research, Lifeasible has the professional equipment and technical team to support quality control service for algae biofuel.

Potential for Algal Energy Capture

  • Parameters Accessing Energy Conversion Efficiency
    Microalgae are phototrophic microorganisms, which means they use CO2 as an inorganic carbon source and sunlight as an energy source to synthesize organic compounds. Energy and CO2 use efficiency are used to estimate the potential of algal oil to meet biofuel sustainability criteria.
  • Introduction to PCE
    The light-to-biomass conversion efficiency is expressed by the photoconversion efficiency (PCE), defined as the amount of energy gained by the conversion process compared to the available sunlight provided to the conversion process. In the case of microalgae, it is the lower calorific value of the dry algal biomass divided by the ratio of sunlight provided per unit area to the algal culture, described as Quality Control Service for Algae Biofuel After taking into account all energy losses, the theoretical maximum PCE of algae is 12.4%.
    • Higher Heating Value
    • Carbon
    • Sulphur
    • Cloud Point
    • Kinematic Viscosity
    • Hydrogen
    • Boiling Point
    • Pour Point
    • Density
    • Oxygen
    • Flash Point
    • Cetane Number

Assessment of Algal Biofuels

Advantages of algae biofuels.

  • Advantages of Algae Biofuels
    Biodiesel is a mixture of fatty acids of different lengths esterified with an alcohol (usually methanol). Typical crops used for biodiesel production are canola, palm, sunflower, and soybean because of their high lipid content. Recent efforts to replace these traditional crops with microalgal biomass have been driven by the higher growth rates and lipid content. Biodiesel from microalgal feedstocks may even be of particular interest to general aviation because of its good flowability at low temperatures and high energy density.
  • Parameters for Evaluating Biofuels
    The suitability of microalgal biomass as a biofuel feedstock is closely related to the length and saturation of its fatty acids, the four key indicators being iodine value, oxidative stability, cetane number, and cold filtration point. In addition to these, there are many other characteristic values that can be used in the evaluation of algal biofuels.

Our Services

Technologies for producing biofuels from algae include the use of carbon dioxide from the waste stream of the factory, which promotes the growth of algae that can be converted into fuel-grade ethanol and biodiesel.

Lifeasible tests algae biofuel quality, biofuel composition, and other materials made from algae. Our biofuel research and production support help customers optimize R&D efforts to reduce and avoid problems caused by contaminated or substandard biofuels.

  • Nutritional Effects (Maximizing Oil Content)
  • Pilot Plant Testing for Conversion of Algae Oil to Jet and Diesel Fuels
  • Silicon Content
  • Total Oil Content of algae
  • Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen (CHNO) Analysis
  • Composition of Algal Oil (Including Metals and Triglycerides)
  • Metal Content of Algae
  • Delayed Coking of Biocrude Oil

Why Choose Us

As a pioneer in algae research and commercial development, Lifeasible possesses professional teams and advanced devices to provide quality control services for algae biofuel to support algae-related projects for our clients. Please contact us for more information.

The advantages of our services.

Our services are for research use only and not for any clinical use.