In order to ensure future energy security and sustainability, renewable energy has attracted the attention of researchers in both academia and industry. Biofuel energy is one of the renewable energy forms that has gained grounds in this regard. Although biofuels have been used by human civilization for a long time and can be produced from simple materials such as grain starch and sugar cane, it is not until recently that, with increasing environmental issues and potential shortage fossil fuels, biofuel development has become a major research focus. Biofuels include a wide range of products such as liquid biofuels, various biogases and solid biofuels. Liquid biofuels cover bioethanol, biodiesel, pyrolysis bio-oil, and drop-in transportation fuels. Biogas such as methane is produced by the process of anaerobic digestion of organic material by anaerobes. It can be produced either from biodegradable waste materials or by the use of energy crops fed into anaerobic digesters to supplement gas yields. Solid biofuels include firewood, wood chips, wood pellets, and wood charcoal. The most common feedstocks of biofuels used today are corn grain (for bioethanol) and soybeans (for biodiesel). Bioethanol is an example of liquid fuels that are used as substitutes as well as additives for transportation fuel. The global consumption of firewood and charcoal has been relatively constant in recent years, but the use of wood chips and wood pellets for electricity (biopower) generation and residential heating doubled in the past decade and will increase steadily in the future. Commercial production of bioethanol has just started, supporting the annual supply of 22 billion gallons predominantly from food crops.
Our expertise in biofuel testing and analysis makes Lifeasible a partner of choice to support your research and development activities. An extensive range of services are provided to cover physical test, chemical analysis, elemental analysis and environmental analysis of various biofuel samples, featured services including:
We follow all the international standards in ASTM, EN and ISO, etc. Through our extensive testing capabilities and our investigative approach, we are confident to meet our customers’ challenges and expectations. For more information, please contact us.
Lifeasible has established a one-stop service platform for plants. In addition to obtaining customized solutions for plant genetic engineering, customers can also conduct follow-up analysis and research on plants through our analysis platform. The analytical services we provide include but are not limited to the following:
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