Biohydrogen Production Service

Biohydrogen Production Service

Hydrogen is a biofuel with great development potential, Lifeasible provides technical consulting, project design and program optimization services related to biohydrogen production. Lifeasible is dedicated to helping customers overcome technical difficulties in biohydrogen production, improving hydrogen production efficiency and raw material conversion efficiency.

Biohydrogen Production Service

Hydrogen has a high energy density that is about three times of gasoline or diesel and can be used in fuel cells of electric vehicles. In addition, greenhouse gases and other exhaust pollutants are not produced during the use of hydrogen. Therefore, hydrogen has been used as a biofuel in recent years, and its production demand is increasing. Biohydrogen production technology utilizes a variety of microorganisms, for instance, photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria, and fermenting bacteria. Biohydrogen production technologies include bio photolysis, photo fermentation, dark fermentation, and integrated dark-photo fermentative (IDPF) production technology.

  • Biophotolysis is a technology that uses solar as an energy source and water as raw material. During this phase, microalgae and cyanobacteria decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen through photosynthesis and its unique hydrogen production system. Bio photolysis is unique to photoautotrophic organisms, where hydrogen is produced directly from sunlight and water, so solar energy conversion efficiency is significantly higher than other technologies that use raw materials such as crops and trees.
  • Photo fermentation refers to a technology in which photosynthetic bacteria use organic matter to generate hydrogen. Photo fermentation technology utilizes organic wastewater as substrates, such as sugar production wastewater, soy production wastewater, and brewing wastewater. The use of organic wastewater for biohydrogen production requires pretreatment of raw materials, such as the color of the sewage and the concentration of ammonium salts in the sewage. Photo fermentation technology has many advantages such as easy cultivation, high conversion rate, and high purity of the final product.
  • Dark fermentation refers to a technology that heterotrophic anaerobic bacteria use organic matter such as carbohydrates to generate hydrogen. In most industrial wastewaters and agricultural wastes, a large number of carbohydrates such as starch and cellulose are present, and they can be degraded into monosaccharides that are easily utilized. Therefore, dark fermentation can utilize industrial wastewater, agricultural waste, food industry wastewater as raw materials for biohydrogen production. Dark fermentation technology can obtain clean hydrogen without additional consumption of large quantities energy.
  • IDPF has many advantages over the use of a single method to produce hydrogen. For example, it can overcome the problem of incomplete oxidation of organic acids in dark fermentation technology that leads to limited biohydrogen yield. IDPF combines photo and dark fermentation methods to increase hydrogen production, and it can be performed in two production modes, one is two stage system and the other is co-fermentation system, the latter of which is more cost-effective.

For the optimization of biophotolysis technology, improving light absorption quality and protecting hydrogenase activity are the key points. However, for photo fermentation, the design of reactors, the addition of heterocyclic compounds, and the setting of parameters such as pH and salt concentration are critical. Moreover, metabolic engineering is an important area for the optimization of dark fermentation technology. Lifeasible has researched in these areas and offers customers with high quality technical consulting services in biohydrogen production. Besides, we offer services to help customers design a suitable project scheme and optimize the processes of these technologies. If you are seeking technical support services related to biohydrogen production, Lifeasible may be a good choice. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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