Agaricus bisporus (White Button Mushroom) Transformation

Agaricus bisporus (White Button Mushroom) Transformation

Agaricus bisporus is one of the most widely cultivated, most productive, and most consumed edible fungi. Agaricus bisporus is delicious, not only has high protein content, rich in amino acids, nucleotides, and vitamins, but also contains tyrosine kinase that can dissolve certain cholesterol and has a significant hypotensive effect, polysaccharide quinones that can combine with sulfhydryl groups to inhibit DNA synthesis and tumor cell activity, and trypsin and maltase that have digestive effects. The fresh Agaricus bisporus cysts are white, thick, hemispherical, and rich in water content, and the gills are slightly light pink. However, there is a widespread browning in Agaricus bisporus that severely affects its shelf life. Browning not only causes a decrease in its commercial value but also severely reduces its nutrient content. Therefore, Lifeasible has introduced the Agaricus bisporus genetic transformation service, which helps researchers to select new varieties with high freshness retention and low browning resistance through a stable and efficient genetic system.

What We Offer

Lifeasible provides several Agrobacterium strains such as LBA4404, GV3101, EHA105, AGL-1, etc. and we provide Agaricus bisporus promoters mainly including ras promoter, gpd promoter. And we also provide several optional vectors including pCghg, pCambia1301, pCAMBIA1300, etc., all of which can be integrated into the host chromosome to build a stable Agaricus bisporus genetic transformation system for you. We recommend you to choose Hygromycin (HygR) resistance screening method in Agaricus bisporus genetic transformation. The recombinant plasmid was transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and the target gene was transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated method using Agaricus bisporus mycelium as the recipient material. This is a very complete and mature system, and our technical team has a lot of experience.

election of putative hygromycin-resistant transformants of A. bisporus.Figure 1. Selection of putative hygromycin-resistant transformants of A. bisporus. (Xi C, et al. 2020)

Service Flow

First, we will screen the Hygromycin resistance pressure of Agaricus bisporus to determine the specific Hygromycin concentration that inhibits mycelial growth. Immediately afterward, orthogonal pre-experiments were done on Agrobacterium strains, bacterial solution concentration, acetosyringone concentration, mycelial incubation time, and immersion time to analyze the effects of each factor on transformation efficiency and to obtain the optimal conditions for Agaricus bisporus mycelial Agrobacterium transformation. Finally, the genetic transformation was carried out to construct a stable Agaricus bisporus genetic transformation system mediated by Agrobacterium.

Service Flow

Why Choose Lifeasible

Lifeasible accurately controls the main influencing factors that affect the transformation efficiency of Agaricus bisporus mycelia Agrobacterium based on our rich experience and perfect process, such as Agrobacterium strains, mycorrhizal concentration, acetosyringone (AS) concentration, mycelial incubation time and immersion time, etc. If necessary, we will conduct orthogonal pre-experiments under the existing genetic transformation system, to analyze the influence of each factor and arrive at the factors that have the greatest influence on the transformation efficiency and the best transformation conditions, to complete the most efficient, accurate, and stable Agaricus bisporus genetic transformation service for you in a targeted manner.


  1. Xi C, et al. (2020) A Fruiting Body Tissue Method for Efficient Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Agaricus bisporus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66(10):4510-4513.
  2. Liu J, et al. (2018) A colonized millet grain method for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus. Journal of Microbiological Methods 152:148-153.
For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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