Plant essential oil insecticides, as a major class of plant-derived insecticides, are a significant class of secondary metabolites suitable for plant-derived insecticide development and production. Plant essential oils, as complex mixtures of volatile compounds obtained from plants, show significant potential for controlling insects.
Lifeasible has many years of experience in biopesticide development research, and we offer a variety of effective solutions for plant essential oil insecticide development. Our continuous and active research into the development of plant-derived biopesticides plays a significant role in guiding plant-derived pesticide development.
Plant essential oil poisons and refuses to eat, inhibiting the growth and development of insects, and also affects insect sex pheromones and lures. Plant essential oils have a rapid insecticidal effect, not only by touch but also by fumigation to control storage pests. In addition, some essential oils repel a wide range of insects, including insect vectors. Plant essential oils and their components interfere with endocrine homeostasis, affecting insect biochemical processes. The effect of essential oils or their components on insects and other arthropods is neurotoxic. The most significant symptoms of action are hyperactivity of insects followed by overexcitation and being quickly knocked down and immobilized.
Lifeasible continues to provide various effective guidance solutions for developing safer and more sustainable insect pest management strategies. The solutions we provide have far-reaching implications in ensuring food safety and promoting sustainable agriculture. If you are interested in us, please feel free to contact us.
Lifeasible has established a one-stop service platform for plants. In addition to obtaining customized solutions for plant genetic engineering, customers can also conduct follow-up analysis and research on plants through our analysis platform. The analytical services we provide include but are not limited to the following:
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