Panax ginseng

Panax ginseng


Ginseng, the dried root of Panax ginseng, is a traditional herbal medicine used in Asia for thousands of years. Modern research has proved that ginseng contains saponins, polysaccharides, proteins, and amino acids, which regulate the body's immunity, anti-myocardial ischemia, antioxidant, anti-Alzheimer's disease, and anti-aging. Ginseng has high medicinal and nutritional value. Lifeasible provides services from ginsenosides, proteins, genome, and quality evaluation to help you explore the potential and unique strategic value of ginseng in the whole industrial chain.

What We Offer


Ginsenoside is the main ingredient of ginseng, and most of the saponin analogs have low bioavailability in their original form after oral administration, which also creates difficulties in researching new drugs based on active natural saponins. Since in vivo metabolites are the direct form of saponins that reach the target organ or target site and exert pharmacological activity, we will take in vitro biotransformation and other technical methods to prepare in vivo metabolites and then carry out an in-depth analysis of the structure, activity, and mechanism of action of in vivo metabolites of saponins. To help you ultimately realize the large-scale preparation of in vivo metabolites of saponins, and to meet the needs of the subsequent study of the efficacy of the drug and the development of new drugs.

Ginseng protein

We provide a thin-layer isoelectric focusing technique for of separating and identifying ginseng water-soluble proteins. We provide an SDS-PAGE fingerprinting technique to analyze and identify the water-soluble proteins of ginseng herbs. The results have good stability, reproducibility, and precision and are suitable for the quality evaluation of ginseng herbs.

Besides, combined with the analysis of ginseng protein metabolic engineering and differential expression of ginseng proteins, we can help you to explore the mechanism of ginseng protein efficacy at the molecular level, enhance the isolation and identification of ginseng metabolizing enzymes, and ultimately choose the appropriate entry point for the biosynthesis of ginseng active ingredients. We are constantly introducing new technologies and methods and combining different analytical methods to better help you  ginseng differential proteins.

Ginseng genome

We can help you with the preliminary determination and splicing of the whole ginseng genome sequence and provide support for ginseng functional genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, genetic metabolic engineering, and molecular genetic breeding research.

We can carry out the determination and analysis of the transcriptome of ginseng at different stages of growth and development and in different tissue parts, the annotation and functional gene discovery of ginseng genome and transcriptome, and the cloning and identification of genes related to the biosynthesis and regulation of ginsenosides. This will help you to conduct research and development of ginsenoside drugs, and further provide technical support for breeding new ginseng varieties of high quality through genetic engineering and molecular breeding.

Ginseng quality evaluation

Our identification of ginseng is mainly based on appearance, active ingredients, heavy metals, pesticide residues, and inorganic components. We provide a variety of ginseng quality evaluation methods, including physical properties testing, chemical composition analysis, microbiological testing, etc.

  • Physical properties testing includes observing and determining appearance characteristics, such as shape, color, size, and texture.
  • Chemical composition analysis can be determined by gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and other techniques.
  • Microbiological tests, on the other hand, are evaluated using the culture medium method and molecular biology method.

Besides, to improve the accuracy and reliability of ginseng quality evaluation, we have also introduced near-infrared spectroscopy, which can be non-destructive, fast, sensitive, precise, and non-contact optical detection. Thus, it can help you to carry out various research on ginseng origin traceability, age identification, category identification, saponin detection, polysaccharide detection, and so on.

Modern scientific research is beginning to reveal a wide range of possible health benefits of ginseng, and these potential health benefits are attracting the interest of consumers worldwide. In addition to the above services, please contact Lifeasible, if you have any other needs regarding chemical composition, preparation methods, extraction processes, etc. We always look forward to providing you with one-stop services and faster and better results in return. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.
Lifeasible provides high-level herbal medicine analysis services to facilitate related research. We also provide customers with a large number of high-quality products.
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