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Analysis of Acetylation and Other Acylation of Insect Proteins

Analysis of Acetylation and Other Acylation of Insect Proteins

Protein acetylation is the most common type of acylation modification, which refers to the process of covalently bonding acetyl groups (such as acetyl-CoA and other donors) to lysine residues of substrate proteins under the catalysis of acetyltransferases , mainly occurs at the ε-NH2 position of protein lysine residues, and its molecular mass will increase by 42.01Da accordingly. Mass spectrometry can accurately determine whether the corresponding mass shift occurs in the molecular weight, and realize the analysis of acylated modified peptides and sites.

Our Services for Analysis of Acetylation and Other Acylation of Insect Proteins

Protein acetylation modification is jointly regulated by acetyltransferase and deacetylase, and changes by sensing changes in the metabolic environment. At the same time, it is often modified on metabolic enzymes, thereby regulating metabolic pathways and activities of metabolic enzymes, and participating in changes in downstream metabolites. Lifeasible provides acetylation and other acylation analysis services for insect proteins to quantify acetylated modification proteins of insect.

Analysis content Detail
  • Quantitative analysis of total protein identification

Statistics of protein identification and quantification results, Venn diagram analysis, statistics of difference results, volcano map, cluster heat map.

  • Protein Functional Analysis

Subcellular localization, domain analysis, motif analysis, GO function analysis, KEGG pathway analysis, interaction network analysis.

  • Quality Control Analysis

Peptide relative molecular mass distribution, peptide sequence length distribution.


Our Methods for Analysis of Acetylation and Other Acylation of Insect Proteins

Lifeasible uses mass spectrometry and enrichment processing to qualitatively and quantitatively modify acetylated proteins, and to perform large-throughput detection of the modified sites of modified peptides. Based on a mass spectrometer, we perform acetylation differential proteomics analysis through data-dependent acquisition-synchronized cumulative sequential fragmentation scanning mode. We use ion mobility separation to effectively distinguish modified isomeric polypeptides based on molecular shape and cross-sectional area properties, greatly improving the depth of modification identification. With less sample loading and faster scanning speed, the comprehensive improvement of proteomics in terms of coverage depth, sensitivity and throughput has been realized.

Service Flow

Fig 1. Service flow for acetylation and other acylation analysis for insect proteins- Lifeasible.Fig 1. Service flow for acetylation and other acylation analysis for insect proteins.

Sample Requirements

Sample Requirements
Fresh tissue dry weight >120 mg, transport using dry ice
Protein solution >2 mg, transport using dry ice
Number of freshly cultured cells >108, transport using dry ice


  • High quantitative accuracy and high identification depth.
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of micro samples.
  • Basically unlimited in sample size.
  • Detection speed nearly doubled.

Lifeasible provides acetylation and other acylation analysis services for insect proteins to quantify acetylated modification and other acylation proteins, and to perform large-throughput detection of the modified sites of modified peptides through mass spectrometry and enrichment processing. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

Our Services are for Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use!
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