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Defatted Insect Powder (DIP)

Defatted Insect Powder (DIP)

Product Name
Defatted Insect Powder (DIP)
Product Type
Insect Powder
A nutrient-rich ingredient containing approximately 50% less fat than whole insect powder. It contains a complete amino acid profile, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibres.
Nutritional Benefits
• Up to 65% protein (contain all EAA)
• Up to 15% high-quality fats (of which 70% UFA)
• Contains omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids
• Contains vitamins and minerals
• Contains dietary fibers (such as chitin and chitosan)
• Non-GMO
• Soy, dairy, and egg-free
Possible Applications
• Protein bars
• Protein and savory snacks
• Meat substitutes
• Bakery
• Cereals
• Confectionery
• Spreads
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