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Gene Editing in Antheraea Pernyi

Gene Editing in Antheraea Pernyi

Gene Editing in Antheraea Pernyi

Antheraea pernyi is a large moth in the family Saturniidae. Cocoons can be reeled, mainly used for weaving tussah silk. The insect bodies are edible and can be used as medicinal materials. It is an insect resource with important economic value. Unlike the domestic silk moth which is entirely dependent on human care, tussah silk moths can survive in the wild if they escape from captivity; small local populations of such feral stock may thus occasionally occur. The color and quality of the silk depends on the climate and soil.

Our Services for Gene Editing in Antheraea Pernyi

With the completion of the whole genome sequencing of antheraea pernyi, the basic research on antheraea pernyi has also entered a new stage of development. The key research work is the analysis of important functional genes, and the genetic information and antheraea pernyi phenotype or traits. Therefore, it will lay a theoretical foundation for the genetic improvement of germplasm resources in the future. Lifeasible provides gene editing services for antheraea pernyi with CRISPR/Cas9 to modify antheraea pernyi with genetic improvement.

Editable genes Relevant traits exhibited after editing
Body color-associated genes
  • We can edit the genes related to pigment synthesis, we could identify the key pigment components that cause the diversity of body color in antheraea pernyi larvae based on the variation of pigment composition and its content.
  • By editing specific pigment-binding protein genes, we can identify key genes that cause body color diversity in antheraea pernyi larvae.
  • We can edit melanin biosynthesis-related genes and identify key genes causing body color mutations in antheraea pernyi larvae, pupae and moths by comparing melanin biosynthesis-related genes.
  • We can edit antheraea pernyi body color-related genes to explore the important role of antheraea pernyi body color in regulation of body temperature, protection against UV radiation damage, immunity, etc.
  • We can edit the ATG5 gene of antheraea pernyi, which affects the activation process of autophagy, interferes with the response of the innate immune system of antheraea pernyi to pathogens, reduces the resistance of antheraea pernyi to Gram-negative bacteria, and thus reduces the survival rate of antheraea pernyi.

Our Methods for Gene Editing in Antheraea Pernyi

  • CRISPR/Cas9

Lifeasible provides CRISPR/Cas9 to edit the genes in antheraea pernyi with high efficiency and mutate multiple genes simultaneously. We can edit the body color-associated genes and autophagy-related genes such as ATG5 to improve the genetic traits of antheraea pernyi.


  • Edit pigment synthesis related genes to identify the key pigment components in body color formation of antheraea pernyi.
  • Edit melanin biosynthesis-related genes to identify key genes in variation in body color of antheraea pernyi.
  • Edit autophagy-related genes to affect the natural immune system of antheraea pernyi.

Lifeasible provides gene editing services for antheraea pernyi by CRISPR/Cas9 to affect the process of body color formation and variation, and the immune system of antheraea pernyi to increase the number of antheraea pernyi and improve the heritability of antheraea pernyi. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

Our Services are for Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use!
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