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Gene Editing in Coleoptera

Gene Editing in Coleoptera

The Coleoptera are the most diverse and widespread first order of the insect family and indeed of the animal kingdom. It has a large number of species and a complex system. The forewings of this group are keratinised, rigid and veinless, and are called sheathwings, hence the name. There are four suborders (Protosauropoda, Mycophagidae, Carnivora and Polyphagidae), 178 families and 330,000 species, belonging to the winged subclasses, Allomorpha. Common insects (common names) include aspen, ladybird, glowworm, shittlebug, spotted worm, unicorn, giddyworm, parsnip, golden tortoise, stag beetle, knockworm, dragon louse, rice weevil.

Our Services for Gene Editing in Coleoptera

As an important quarantine pest in forestry, the larvae of monochamus alternatus are the main damaging insect form and can be seen throughout the year. The larvae disrupt the transport of water and nutrients and cause the death of wood. Tribolium castaneum mainly affects flour, causing it to develop a musty smell and its secretions contain the carcinogen benzoquinone. Gene editing to control this pest is currently a hot topic. Lifeasible provides gene editing services for Coleoptera including monochamus alternatus-to control the harm caused by them and tribolium castaneum-to perform functional analysis of differentially expressed genes during the growth and development of tribolium castaneum and the development of insecticide resistance through sophisticated gene editing technology.

Species Detail
Monochamus alternatus
  • Edit reproductive-related genes to affect the reproduction system of monochamus alternatus.
  • Edit stress-related genes to affect the survival rate of adult worms under stress.
  • Edit olfactory recognition-related gens to affect the normal process of olfactory recognition of monochamus alternatus.
  • Edit biosynthesis and metabolism-related genes to affect the development of monochamus alternatus.
Tribolium castaneum
  • We are able to use piggyBac-mediated genomic manipulation technology to construct a mutation system for tribolium castaneum, and find new ways to control tribolium castaneum.
  • We are able to accelerate functional genomics studies of tribolium castaneum through RNA interference technology.
  • We are able to help customers to achieve knockout and knock-in of target genes in the tribolium castaneum.
Leptinotarsa decemlineata
  • We provide a knockout of the vest gene, resulting in a distinct phenotype of mutant individuals that develop to adulthood without forming hindwing and elytron.
  • Knockout of TSC1 and TSC2 genes can result in a mutant phenotype with suppressed glycolipid metabolism, reduced fat bodies, weight loss, and delayed development.
Harmonia axyridis We could obtain Harmonia axyridis mutants with different phenotypes by knockout dopa decarboxylase (DDC), lac2, scarlet, and nAChRα6 using CRISPR/Cas9.

Our Methods for Gene Editing in Coleoptera

We use zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) and CRISPR/Cas9 to control monochamus alternatus, and piggyBac-mediated gene manipulation, RNA interference, and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing to help customers study the tribolium castaneum biology and search for new insecticide targets of tribolium castaneum.


We can use several methods to edit variety of genes in monochamus alternatus to affect the development of monochamus alternatus. We can also edit some specific genes in tribolium castaneum according to your needs by three means to control this organism.

Lifeasible provides gene editing services for Coleoptera including monochamus alternatus and tribolium castaneum to study the specific functions in the growth and development of these organisms and find the new insecticide targets in monochamus alternatus and tribolium castaneum to control them through sophisticated gene editing technology. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

Our Services are for Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use!
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