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Gene Editing in Dendrolimus punctatus

Gene Editing in Dendrolimus punctatus

Dendrolimus punctatus is a leaf-eating pest of coniferous forests that occurs in a wide range and damages a large area, and its larvae feed on pine needles. During outbreaks, continuous pine forests are eaten up within a few days, appearing yellowish and blackened from a distance as if on fire. Biotechnology plays a critical role in controlling pests to protect crops.

Gene Editing in Dendrolimus punctatus

Our Services for Gene Editing in Dendrolimus punctatus

Lifeasible enables specific Dendrolimus punctatus target gene editing by inducing irreversible DNA breaks with CRISPR/Cas9 technology, which can be used to manage pest populations and help you develop pest control strategies. Wnt family member 1 ( Wnt-1 ) is associated with wing development. Wnt/β-catenin signaling is highly conserved in insects and can control cell fate and proliferation and determine body planning in vertebrate embryos. We can clone the Wnt-1 gene in Dendrolimus punctatus and then generate loss-of-function mutants by microinjection at the embryonic stage.

Editable genes Relevant traits exhibited after editing
Wnt-1 We can knock out the Wnt-1 gene, and the resulting phenotypic effects include lethality, abnormal segmentation, defective segments, defective legs, and malformed heads.
P450 Genome resolution of Dendrolimus punctatus showed an expansion of the cytochrome P450 gene. It suggests that Dendrolimus punctatus P450 genes, especially CYP3 family genes, may be associated with tolerance to pine needle resistance compounds. We can help you to construct the P450 gene editing system.
ANT Adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) is a member of the family of transport proteins on the inner mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotic cells. Since the Dendrolimus punctatus ANT protein is highly conserved evolutionarily, it can be used as a candidate site for gene editing. We can develop a targeted gene editing system using the ANT gene as a critical gene and provide a new direction for controlling Dendrolimus punctatus.
Sex pheromone-related gene Sex pheromones function to attract males for mating, and their metabolism-related genes are essential targets for pest control. If you have candidate sex pheromone-related genes, we also have rich experience in gene editing in other species to provide you with a precise knockout of sex pheromone-related genes in Dendrolimus punctatus.

We can also use the CRISPR/Cas9 system to create transgenic lines that screen for dominant repressors driven by specific promoters, providing candidate genes for Dendrolimus punctatus control.

Technology process

Technology process of Gene Editing in Dendrolimus punctatus - Lifeasible

Lifeasible offers the feasibility of genetic manipulation of Dendrolimus punctatus using CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing tools. We can help you understand the function of Wnt-1, which is essential for exploring its potential role in Dendrolimus punctatus management. Please feel free to contact us to customize more editing services for key genes.

Our Services are for Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use!
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