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Gene Editing in Hyphantria Cunea

Gene Editing in Hyphantria Cunea

Gene Editing in Hyphantria Cunea

Hyphantria cunea is a moth in the family Erebidae known principally for its larval stage and considered a pest. Hyphantria cunea tends to create many webs or defoliate plants in places that humans spend time, such as recreational areas and parks; on branches and therefore defoliate parts of the tree that are very visible and draw attention. There have been methods with trying to control this organism, such as physical removal or chemical methods; however, there are some issues with these options because physical removal can be challenging with certain types of trees, and the side effects of chemicals. New, effective methods are needed to control this organism.

Our Services for Gene Editing in Hyphantria Cunea

Hyphantria cunea is a typical polyphagous pest. At present, measures such as artificial control, physical control, chemical control and biological control can be used to reduce the harm caused by this organism. Lifeasible provides the gene editing services for hyphantria cunea with zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) and CRISPR/Cas9 to control their reproduction and expansion of living space.

Editable genes Relevant traits exhibited after editing
  • We can knockout or knockdown the HcALP3 to increase mortality in hyphantria cunea.
Glucose metabolism-related genes
  • We can edit glucose metabolism-related genes to reduce the functional diversity of hyphantria cunea and reduce the survival range of hyphantria cunea.
Taste receptor genes
  • We can edit taste receptor genes to make hyphantria cunea less likely to adapt to new habitats. Mainly bitter taste receptors, bitter taste receptor genes have higher functional polymorphisms than other chemosensory receptors and genes in general.
Filament gland-associated genes
  • We can edit filament-related genes of hyphantria cunea to reduce the active space of hyphantria cunea and thus its destructiveness to trees and crops.
  • We can knockout the Hcdsx gene specifically to reduce sex-specific fecundity.
  • We can knockdown the genes of GSTs to make hyphantria cunea vulnerable when infects by Hyphantria cunea nucleopolyhedrovirus (HcNPV), which cause death of this organism.


  • Editing fertility-related genes to reduce the fertility of hyphantria cunea.
  • Editing silk gland-related genes to reduce silk production and thus prevent them from roosting on the host plant.
  • Editing some sensory-related genes to reduce their ability to adapt to the survival environment.

Lifeasible can control this pest by editing some genes of hyphantria cunea to reduce its survival range or reduce its fecundity. We offer three technologies include ZFNs, TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9 to edit these genes in hyphantria cunea and later services with some advantages described above. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

  1. Sun, L.; et al. Characterisation of GST genes from the Hyphantria cunea and their response to the oxidative stress caused by the infection of Hyphantria cunea nucleopolyhedrovirus (HcNPV). Pestic Biochem Physiol, 2020, 163:254-262.
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