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Gene Editing in Nilaparvata Lugens

Gene Editing in Nilaparvata Lugens

Gene Editing in Nilaparvata Lugens

Nilaparvata lugens is a planthopper species that feeds on rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). These insects are among the most important pests of rice, which is the major staple crop for about half the world's population. They damage rice directly through feeding and also by transmitting two viruses, rice ragged stunt virus and rice grassy stunt virus. Excessive use of urea as nitrogenous fertilizer and insecticides can lead to outbreaks by increasing the fecundity of the brown planthopper, and by reducing populations of natural enemies. Some plant lectins are antifeedants to nilaparvata lugens and if properly formulated may have the potential to protect rice from nilaparvata lugens.

Our Services for Gene Editing in Nilaparvata Lugens

Nilaparvata lugens infest the rice crop at all stages of plant growth. Due to feeding by both the nymphs and adults at the base of the tillers, plants turn yellow and dry up rapidly. Up to 60% yield loss is common in susceptible rice cultivars attacked by the insect. Lifeasible provides gene editing services for nilaparvata lugens with zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) and CRISPR/Cas9 to control them.

Editable genes Relevant traits exhibited after editing
  • We can edit CYP6ER1 to affect the detoxification metabolism of furosemide in nilaparvata lugens, and affect the resistance of nilaparvata lugens to furosemide.
  • We can knockout or knockdown the NlGPI to make a significant decrease in the number of Yeast-like symbiont (YLS) in the hemolymph of nilaparvata lugens, a significant increase in mortality, and a significant decrease in egg production and hatching rate.
  • We can knockdown of NlugCSP6 gene make death of worm and abnormal wing development, and reduce egg production significantly, finally affect the development and reproduction of nilaparvata lugens.
  • We can edit NlEF7 to affect the development of male genitalia in nilaparvata lugens.
  • We can edit KCTD3 to affect the development and reproduction of nilaparvata lugens.
  • We can knockdown the NlPOD1 to reduce the resistance of nilaparvata lugens to Chrysomelas aeruginosa infestation significantly and affect the defense process of this insect against the pathogen. It can be used as a potential target in nilaparvata lugens control technology.
  • We can knockdown the NlATG13 gene to inhibit autophagy in nilaparvata lugens midgut cells and affect their survival.
  • We can edit Nlserpin2 to affect nilaparvata lugens defense against pathogenic fungal infestation.


  • Editing of resistance-related genes, affects the resistance of nilaparvata lugens to pesticides.
  • Editing some growth-related genes to affect the growth, development and reproduction of this organism, and can be used as the potential target for nilaparvata lugens prevention and control.
  • Editing of immune-related genes reduces the resistance of nilaparvata lugens to pathogens.

Lifeasible offers gene editing services for nilaparvata lugens by three means include ZFNs, TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9 to affect the reproduction and the immune system, and regulates the growth and development of this organism to control them. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

  1. Wu, W.; et al. Cloning and functional analysis of the serine protease inhibitor gene Nlserpin2 in the brown planthopper [J]. China Agricultural Science, 2022, 55(12): 2338-2346.
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