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Gene Editing in Spodoptera Litura

Gene Editing in Spodoptera Litura

Gene Editing in Spodoptera Litura

Spodoptera litura is a species of the genus spodoptera litura in the order Lepidoptera, and it is an important agricultural pest with a worldwide distribution. With the continuous enrichment and improvement of insect genome information, functional genome research plays an increasingly important role in spodoptera litura, and genetic manipulation is an indispensable means in functional genome research. Genome editing technologies such as zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN), and CRISPR-Cas9 have provided new means of insect genetic manipulation.

Our Services for Gene Editing in Spodoptera Litura

Gene editing technology is the most advanced genetic modification technology in biological sciences, and gene editing technology is widely used in insects. Lifeasible provides ZFNs, TALEN and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing services for spodoptera litura to screen out them with good traits include BLOS2, PBP and other genes according to your needs to reduce the damage of spodoptera litura to plants.

Editable genes Relevant traits exhibited after editing
  • We can edit the BLOS2 to affect the larval epidermal color formation, and provide an important marker gene for genetic engineering studies on the diurnal night moth and other noctuid insects.
  • We can edit the PBP to make it more important in the design and development of more efficient olfactory-based pest control technologies.
  • We can edit these TLRs genes to alter cell surface receptor signaling pathways, cellular localization, signaling, cellular regulatory processes, and bioregulatory processes in spodoptera litura.
  • We can edit OBPs to affect spodoptera litura's preference for specific odors.
  • We can edit the GSTs to reduce the resistance of spodoptera litura to insecticides.

Our Methods for Gene Editing in Spodoptera Litura

  • ZFNs

Lifeasible uses ZFNs to edit spodoptera litura by fusing a zinc finger DNA-binding domain to a DNA-cleavage domain. We engineered zinc finger domains to target specific desired DNA sequences and this enables zinc-finger nucleases to target unique sequences within complex genomes. By taking advantage of endogenous DNA repair machinery, these reagents can be used to precisely alter the genomes of spodoptera litura.


Lifeasible provides gene editing services in spodoptera litura through TALEN to cut specific sequences of DNA. We engineered transcription activator-like effectors to bind to practically any desired DNA sequence and cut DNA at specific locations when combined with a nuclease.

  • CRISPR/Cas9

Lifeasible provides gene editing services in spodoptera litura through the system of CRISPR/Cas9 based on an acquired immune mechanism found in bacteria and archaea that silences the expression of target genes by genome editing of target genes through chimeric double-stranded RNA-mediated Cas9 proteins. We use this method to edit the spodoptera litura with gene knock out, tag insertion and gene fragment insertion.

Gene Editing in Spodoptera LituraFig 1. Principle of CRISPR/Cas9.


  • Using multiple knockout vectors, simultaneous gene editing at multiple target sites can be achieved in spodoptera litura.
  • Reducing drug resistance and improve drug sensitivity of spodoptera litura.
  • Editing sex pheromone-related genes to reduce the mating rate and thus the birth rate of larvae.
  • Achieving homologous recombinant gene targeting in spodoptera litura.

Lifeasible offers three means of gene editing include ZFNs, TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9 in spodoptera litura by experienced teams with several advantages like multiple genes can be mutated simultaneously, high editing efficiency, the insertion of tag and gene fragment and gene knockout in this specific species. If you are interested in our services, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

  1. Khan, S.A.; et al. Functional analysis of the ABCs of eye color in Helicoverpa armigera with CRISPR/Cas9-induced mutations[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:40025.
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