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Genomic Methylation Analysis of Bombyx Mori

Genomic Methylation Analysis of Bombyx Mori

Genomic Methylation Analysis of Bombyx Mori

Bombyx mori is an important model insect of Lepidoptera, and it is also an important domesticated economic animal. Methylation includes DNA methylation and protein methylation. DNA methylation is a widespread regulation of gene expression in epigenetics, and plays an important role in a series of life processes such as genomic imprinting, embryonic development, aging, and viral infection. DNA methylation plays a very important role in regulating gene expression of bombyx mori. At present, there are various methods for the detection of genome methylation, and the more common ones include MethylC-Seq and Illumina high-throughput bisulfite sequencing. However, MethylC-Seq has very high false positives in detecting cytosines (mCs) in species with low methylation levels in the genome.

Our Services for Genomic Methylation Analysis of Bombyx Mori

The bombyx mori is an important domesticated economic animal and an important model organism, and its functional and biological significance of DNA methylation is of great reference for the study of low methylation species as a whole. Lifeasible provides genomic methylation analysis services for bombyx mori to determine the epigenome sequence of insects with low methylation levels and analyze the functional significance of DNA methylation by Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS).

Lifeasible's WGBS enables accurate localisation of methylation sites at single-base resolution based on the whole genome level, enabling rapid and accurate identification of differential sites for efficient analysis of DMR and functional analysis of related genes.

Our Methods for Genomic Methylation Analysis of Bombyx Mori

  • WGBS

WGBS is the standard of choice for DNA methylation studies as it can accurately detect the methylation levels of all individual cytosine bases (C bases) on a genome-wide scale. It is also the preferred method for methylation mapping of various species. We use T4-DNA ligase to ligate junction sequences at the ends of ultrasonically interrupted fragments of genomic DNA, and the ligated products are converted from unmethylated cytosine C to uracil U by heavy sulfite treatment, and then to thymine T by sequence-mediated PCR.

Service Flow

Fig 1. Service flow for genomic methylation analysis of bombyx mori- Lifeasible.Fig 1. Service flow for genomic methylation analysis of bombyx mori.

Sample Requirements

Sample Requirements
Fresh tissue >200 mg
Total DNA OD260/ 280=1.8-2.0 and no significant degradation of DNA, gel electrophoresis test gel chart required.
Number of freshly cultured cells >106
Whole blood >1 mL


  • Comprehensive analysis of genome-wide methylation levels and rapid and accurate identification of differentially methylated regions.
  • Accurate analysis of the methylation status of each C base is possible.
  • Greater access to complete genome-wide methylation information.
  • Construct fine genome-wide DNA methylation profiles.

Lifeasible provides genomic methylation analysis services for bombyx mori to determine the epigenome sequence of insects and analyze the functional significance of DNA methylation through analyzing the methylation status of each C base precisely and constructing methylation profiles. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

Our Services are for Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use!
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