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Insect Pathogen Detection

Insect Pathogen Detection

Insect Pathogen Detection

Pathogenic bacteria of insects are divided into three main categories, namely bacteria, fungi and viruses. Insect pathogenic bacteria are bacteria that parasitize insects and cause morbidity and mortality. Fungi that can invade and parasitize insects and cause death are called entomopathogenic fungi. Insects invaded by the fungus to cause disease and death of insect stiff body, called sclerosis. When associated bacteria, fungi and viruses infect an insect, the insect's immune system is rapidly activated to form substances such as antimicrobial peptides that work together to defend against the invading fungus.

Fig 1. Categories of insect pathogenic microorganisms-Lifeasible.Fig 1. Categories of insect pathogenic microorganisms.

After most pathogenic bacteria invade the insect body, they first cause infection and eventually septicemia, pathogens can be very damaging to insects and can even kill them. Lifeasible provides pathogen testing services for your insects to ensure that the quality of the insects is acceptable. We can provide testing services for entomopathogenic bacteria such as E. coli, mycobacteria, and staphylococcus aureus.

Our Services for Insect Pathogen Detection

Service Content Methods
Staphylococcus aureus Coliform bacteria
  • DNA microarray
    Lifeasible offers DNA microarray to analysis the pathogen in insects. We use relative quantitation in which the intensity of a feature is compared to the intensity of the same feature under a different condition, and the identity of the feature is known by its position.
  • PCR
    Lifeasible provides PCR to detect the pathogen in insect like staphylococcus aureus and coliform bacteria in bacteria, mold in fungi and viruses. This technology is particularly suitable for the early diagnosis of pathogenic infections, but may cause false positives if the primers are not very specific.
  • Nucleic acid hybridization
    Lifeasible offers nucleic acid hybridization to analysis the pathogen in insect by our professional team. We use the process in which single strands of nucleotides with complementary sequences in pathogenic microorganisms are fused intracellularly to form heterogeneous double strands, and the factor leading to hybridization is the chemical reaction between the nucleic acid and the probe, leading to the identification of pathogenic microorganisms.

Sample Requirements

Insect pathogen detection can be used for the following samples. The number of samples is not less than 9 and each sample weights 0.2 mg or more.

  • Live insects
  • Insect carcasses
  • Insect powder


  • We isolate pathogenic bacteria using advanced detection instruments and testing methods.
  • Using advanced instruments and methods to extract pathogenic bacteria.
  • Using rapid and sensitive assays can detect specific pathogenic bacteria.

Lifeasible has experienced teams of scientists, researchers, and technicians to detect insect pathogens like staphylococcus aureus and coliform bacteria in bacteria, mold in fungi and viruses and later services. If you are interested in our services, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

  1. Zhang, X.; Ye, J. Research and development strategies of cutting-edge prevention and control technologies for insect-borne plant diseases based on the interaction analysis of the three [J]. China Science Foundation, 2020, 34(04): 477-485.
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