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Insect Pheromone Detection

Insect Pheromone Detection

Pheromones are chemical communication substances between individuals of the same species, dispersed outside the insects to regulate or induce special behaviors of other individuals of the same species, such as luring, assembling, marking traces, warning self-defense between females and males, etc. It mainly originates from the secretory glands on the body surface of insects and is transmitted by air or other media, and is received by the recipient by chemical receptors or by smell and taste, which can be expressed as inhibitory or stimulatory effects.

Insect pheromones are divided into two categories: intraspecific pheromones that act between individuals of the same species and interspecific pheromones that act between heterospecifics. Sometimes the same pheromone acts differently within and between species, and some pheromones are not very species-specific and act equally within and between species.

Fig 1. Two types of insect pheromones-Lifeasible.Fig 1. Two types of insect pheromones.

Insect pheromones are highly specific. It includes functions such as luring (trapping), stimulating, promoting or inhibiting feeding, spawning, mating, assembling, alarming, and defending. Since insect pheromones control insect behavior and have an important economic value in the development and use of pesticides, for example, in the development and application of pesticides, detection of insect pheromones to monitor the physiological state of insects is necessary. Lifeasible provides pheromone testing services to observe whether insects have normal physiological functions. We can provide service for intraspecific pheromones and interspecific pheromones in insect samples.

Our Services for Insect Pheromone Detection

Service Content Method
Intraspecific pheromones
  • Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

We can analysis intraspecific pheromones and interspecific pheromones through combining the features of GC and MS and using computer processing data to qualitatively identify and quantitatively analyze each pheromone. The method is compatible and accurate for the determination of pheromones in insect samples.

Interspecific pheromones

Sample Requirements

Insect pheromone detection can be used for the samples of live insects and insect carcasses. The number of samples is not less than 9. Each sample weights 0.8 mg or more.


  • Testing instruments sensitivity speeds up detection and shortens detection time.
  • The combine of the features of GC-MS makes the data compatible and accurate.
  • The durability of the testing instrument greatly reduces the testing cost.
  • Intraspecific pheromones and interspecific pheromones in insect samples can be tested separately.
  • Each pheromone can be detected.
  • Physiological state of insects can be analyzed through test data.

Lifeasible provides insect pheromone detection of intraspecific pheromones and interspecific pheromones by experienced teams according to your needs with short testing time and compatible and accurate of the data, each pheromone can be detected separately and low cost. If you have any questions or if you are interested in our services about insect pheromone detection, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

  1. Guo, Z.X. Application of insect pheromones in the control of forestry pest insects in Xinjiang [J]. Xinjiang Agricultural Science and Technology, 2021(03): 24-25.
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