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Insect Protein Identification Analysis

Insect Protein Identification Analysis

The identification of insect proteins is the basis for insect proteomics research, using mass spectrometry to identify all or specific insect proteins in cells, tissues, body fluids or protein gels/liquids after isolation, purification and enrichment, to provide a full understanding of insect protein species in a particular environment, and to provide visual protein identification for the study of disease development and insect growth and development. The product is designed to provide a visual identification of protein species for the study of disease development and insect growth and development.

Our Services for Insect Protein Identification Analysis

Insect protein identification products can be divided into two categories, depending on the subject and content of the study, protein full-spectrum analysis and gel spot/ strip identification. Lifeasible provides insect protein identification analysis services to study the expression of insect proteins in specific environments, the development of diseases in insects and the expression of specific proteins in the growth and developmental state of insects, and provide powerful support for insect research.

Analysis content Detail
Analysis of standard information
  • Data output statistics
  • Protein identification results
  • Protein GO analysis
  • Protein CCOG/KOG analysis
  • Protein Pathway metabolic pathway analysis
Personalized information analysis
  • Individual sample protein relative abundance quantification
Customized information analysis
  • Customized information analysis services can be negotiated in conjunction with client requirements

Our Methods for Insect Protein Identification Analysis

  • Protein full-spectrum analysis

Lifeasible uses full-spectrum of protein to analyze the insect proteome as a whole, using mass spectrometry to obtain as much protein information as possible. We use this method to provide a comprehensive analysis of the protein species contained in unknown insect samples. Mass spectrometry-based protein full-spectrum analysis provides reference information for high-throughput quantitative and modification analysis of proteins. In addition, we combine the full-spectrum analysis data with transcriptome data to complement each other and jointly validate gene annotation and functional information.

  • Gel spot identification

We use bi-directional electrophoresis to obtain protein profiles, analyze them with relevant software to obtain differences or protein spots of interest, and use mass spectrometry to identify them and obtain detailed information about the protein.

  • Gel strip identification

The specified bands or lesser fractions of protein solutions isolated from SDS-PAGE gels are identified by mass spectrometry.

Service Flow

Fig 1. Service flow for insect protein identification analysis- Lifeasible.Fig 1. Service flow for insect protein identification analysis.

Sample Requirements

Sample Requirements
Fresh animal tissue dry weight >10 mg
Protein solution >200 µg (0.5 µg/ µL)
Number of freshly cultured cells >107
Komas blue staining, silver-stained gel spots/ strips Visible spots to the naked eye; >1µg protein


  • Research on the mechanism of resistance to disease and stress in insects.
  • Mechanisms of protein expression regulation in the development of insect diseases.
  • Insect growth and development mechanism.


  • Theoretically available for all insects, with a wide range of applications.
  • High-resolution and high-quality precision mass spectrometry platform ensures accurate identification results.
  • Systematic and comprehensive study of as many proteins as possible in insect tissues or cells.

Lifeasible provides insect protein identification analysis services to study the expression of insect proteins in specific environments, and specific insect proteins in the growth and developmental state of insects, in order to provide powerful support for insect research. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

Our Services are for Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use!
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