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Quantitative Analysis of Modified Proteins in Insects

Quantitative Analysis of Modified Proteins in Insects

Protein quantitative analysis is to determine the total protein content in the sample, or the content of a single protein component. The purpose of relative protein quantification is to determine the relative proportion of the expression level of the target protein in two or more samples without knowing their expression level in each sample. The current absolute quantitative research based on mass spectrometry mainly refers to targeted proteomics, which refers to the quantitative analysis of modified peptides (or target proteins), or to verify the results of large-scale proteomics. With the rapid development of mass spectrometry, the quantitative analysis of proteins using mass spectrometry has been more widely used and studied.

Our Services for Quantitative Analysis of Modified Proteins in Insects

Due to the advantages of mass spectrometry analysis of modified peptides without species restrictions and the ability to analyze multiple targets simultaneously, it has received more and more attention and applications. Lifeasible provides services for quantitative analysis of modified proteins in insects based on the property of LC-MS/ MS. We can offer quantitative analysis for four types of modified proteins in insects, including analysis of Phosphorylation Modifications of Insect Proteins, Analysis of Acetylation and Other Acylation of Insect Proteins, Ubiquitination Analysis of Insect Proteins and Glycosylation Analysis of Insect Proteins.

We can quantify the phosphorylation of insect proteins through three means-labelling quantification, 4D-DIA unlabeled quantification and PRM targeted quantification. We can also quantify acetylated modification proteins of insect, detect the large throughput of ubiquitinated modified insect proteins and high-throughput glycosylated proteins in insect samples.

Analysis content Detail
Phosphorylation modifications of insect proteins
  • Identification and quantification of phosphorylated insect proteins.
Analysis of acetylation and other acylation of insect proteins
  • Acetylation
  • Succinylation
  • Propionylation
  • Malonylation
  • Glutarylation
Ubiquitination analysis of insect proteins
  • Quantitative analysis of total protein identification
  • Protein functional analysis
  • Quality control analysis
Glycosylation analysis of insect proteins
  • High-throughput detection of glycosylated insect proteins

Our Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Modified Proteins in Insects

Lifeasible uses ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry technology to provide quantitative analysis services for insect modified proteins, including analysis of phosphorylated insect proteins, acetylated insect proteins, ubiquitinated insect proteins and glycosylated insect proteins.


  • The number of samples tested is large and the accuracy and depth of identification is high.
  • Quantitative analysis of large-scale insect proteins.
  • Fast detection speed.

Lifeasible provides services for quantitative analysis of modified proteins in insects based on the ultra-high resolution of LC-MS/ MS, including Phosphorylation Modifications of Insect Proteins, Analysis of Acetylation and Other Acylation of Insect Proteins, Ubiquitination Analysis of Insect Proteins, and Glycosylation Analysis of Insect Proteins. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

Our Services are for Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use!
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