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Silkworm Breeding

Silkworm Breeding

Silkworm Breeding

The economic value of the silkworm is relatively high. Silk can be used as a material for weaving, and the silkworm also has a greater medicinal value, as it can be used as a medicinal herb to treat many diseases and can act as a cough suppressant and phlegm remover. The silkworm can also be used as food. Techniques for improving existing silkworm species and breeding new ones are hot research topics. Scientific silkworm breeding is based on the objective laws of silkworm genetics and plays an important role in improving the yield and quality of cocoons and silk. The goal of silkworm breeding is to cultivate varieties with excellent traits such as high quality, high yield and resistance-more eggs for easy reproduction, good breeding and high yield, more silk and better quality.

Our Services for Silkworm Breeding

Traditional breeding methods have been unable to make new breakthroughs in the major traits of silkworm varieties, therefore, the current breeding technology in silkworm is mainly based on molecular marker technology to assist breeding and gene editing methods to breed new silkworm varieties. Lifeasible provides services for silkworm breeding including antheraea pernyi and bombyx mori to breed excellent varieties of silkworm with comprehensive traits like high-yield, multi-filament, and strong resistance.

Species Varieties
Antheraea pernyi
  • Multifilament variety
  • Early maturing variety
  • Large cocoon variety
  • Disease resistant variety
Bombyx mori
  • High-quality, high-yield, easy-to-breed and multi-filament bombyx mori spring varieties.
  • Strong, good breeding, strong resistance, fast growing bombyx mori summer-autumn varieties.
  • Spring and autumn multi-filament bombyx mori varieties.
  • Special-purpose bombyx mori varieties with fine denier, coarse denier, limited varieties, fluorine-tolerant, high-strength raw silk, disease-resistant, multi-spawning, polyphagous, and colorful cocoon, etc.

Our Methods for Silkworm Breeding

Lifeasible uses the method of hybrid breeding, mutagenesis breeding-based on nitrogen molecules, carbon dioxide and other lasers and various energy densities, and molecular marker technology-assisted breeding to breed multifilament varieties, early maturing varieties, and large cocoon variety of antheraea pernyi.

We can use transgenic technology with various technical methods such as direct injection of exogenous DNA fragments, sperm-mediated, and gene gun to improve silk production and quality, improve antiviral genetic properties. We also use genome editing technology to obtain the genetic changes in bombyx mori and breed excellent varieties with comprehensive traits.


We use advanced breeding techniques to breed a variety of silkworm species with excellent traits, such as resistant, easy-to-rear, silk-producing varieties. If you have special requirements, we can also breed varieties with special traits to suit your needs.

Lifeasible provides breeding services for silkworm including antheraea pernyi and bombyx mori to breed excellent varieties of silkworm with high-yield, multi-filament, and strong resistance. We use several methods like hybrid breeding, mutagenesis breeding and molecular marker technology-assisted breeding to breed new variety of antheraea pernyi, and use transgenic and genome editing technologies to improve specific traits to produce bombyx mori varieties with superior traits. If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, please click online inquiry for more detailed information.

Our Services are for Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use!
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