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Lifeasible Mushroom
Laetiporus sulphureus Sawdust Spawn
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Laetiporus sulphureus Sawdust Spawn

Cat NO. MS-MSS007
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Product type Mushroom Spawn
Product Information
Strain Chicken of the Woods - Sulphureus
Description Chicken of the Woods is a yellow-pored mushroom that can be cultivated on oak. This mushroom is defined by its deep orange color fading to a yellow edge. While not as high-yielding as what nature will produce, this strain is an excellent choice for those looking to work on wild mushroom cultivation.
Application Sawdust Spawn, Plate Culture, Slant Culture
Spawn run time 18-24 months
Fruiting temperature range 50-80°F
Mycelium growth temperature 50-60°F. Spawn run will occur outdoors at temperatures above 50°F.
Suitable for cultivation on Logs

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!