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Lifeasible Mushroom
Pleurotus djamor
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Pleurotus djamor

Cat NO. MS-MGS002
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Product type Mushroom Spawn
Product Information
Strain Pink Oyster
Description Pink Oyster has the fastest spawn run off all oysters and produce bountiful pink clusters, but has a very short shelf-life. This stain thrives in warm weather and prefers 10-12 hours of natural, incandescent, or fluorescent light for best color. Only suitable for production on loose substrates.
Application Grain Spawn, G1 Grain Culture, Plate Culture, Slant Culture
Spawn run time On loose substrate: 11-14 days
Fruiting temperature range 65-85°F
Mycelium growth temperature 65-77°F
Suitable for cultivation on Pasteurized substrate, sterilized sawdust substrate

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!