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Lifeasible Mushroom
Mushrooms for Food Applications
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Mushrooms for Food Applications


Mushrooms have a long association with mankind and have far-reaching biological and economic implications. Since ancient times, people have consumed wild mushrooms as a delicacy for their delicious and pleasant flavor. Mushrooms provide high-quality protein, more bio-efficient than animal protein, rich in fiber, minerals, and several types of vitamins, especially vitamin B complex and vitamin C. They are low in fat and have a high polyunsaturated fatty acid content relative to the total fatty acid content. Fresh mushrooms contain relatively large amounts of carbohydrates and fiber, but no starch. As a result, scientists are gradually increasing their research into mushrooms as food to enrich people's daily diets.

What Do We Offer?

Lifeasible is constantly developing mushrooms' potential in the food sector and provides specialist solutions for food applications. Mushrooms are high-value-added mushrooms and it would be a viable option to produce processed food from them. Our scientists focus on the addition of mushrooms and mushroom extracts as ingredients, flavor components, and meat substitutes to various foods and beverages. This is to develop new functional foods and drinks with improved nutritional content, quality, and health-related properties. Our services include but are not limited to the following:

Meat substitutes

Meat substitutes. Mycelium fibers grow together to form a tissue similar to muscle tissue fibrous networks in animals. As a result, the mycelial super-component tastes like meat. We are developing mushroom-based vegetable proteins as meat substitutes by fermenting cultures of mushroom mycelium or filamentous roots in fixed molds.


Condiments. We can supply or develop mushroom extracts for use in flavourings and to preserve the freshness, aroma and vegetal flavour of mushrooms to a greater extent using new processes.


Beverages. We can add powdered mushrooms to beverages such as tea, coffee, and milk. This will make their consumption physically and mentally stimulating, regulating eating habits, refreshing, and improving concentration.

Natural preservatives

Natural preservatives. We offer the development of natural preservatives using mushroom active ingredients. It is also possible to tailor preservatives for specific micro-organisms to customer requirements.

Mushroom snacks

Mushroom snacks. We offer a ready-to-eat snack service using naturally grown and hand-selected mushrooms. We also offer testing services for cholesterol, preservatives, artificial flavors, and colors in snacks.

Sugar substitutes

Sugar substitutes. We reduce sugar addition by using mushroom mycelium to produce a bitterness blocker. This can alter the product's flavor, balancing out bitterness, astringency, etc.

Advantages of Our Services

  • Sustainable mushroom sources.
  • Our mushroom products are low in calories and saturated fat.
  • Mushroom-rich foods have a positive impact on health.
  • We test mushrooms for metals in both inorganic and organic forms before using them as food.

Lifeasible explores mushroom applications' maximum potential. We seek to add mushrooms or mushroom extracts to foods to enhance their health value. We are your trusted mushroom research partner. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for a more detailed description of our services.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!