Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)

Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)

Product Name
Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)
Product Overview
FRASC Assay Kit provides a rapid, simple, and sensitive means of detecting ascorbic acid in biological samples such as serum and other body fluids, tissue and cell extracts, growth media and food products. In this assay, Feᶟᶧ is reduced to Fe²ᶧ by any antioxidants present. The ferrous iron is chelated with a colorimetric probe to produce a product with a strong absorbance band which can be monitored between 545-600 nm. The addition of ascorbate oxidase to parallel samples removes any ascorbate present leaving a background value which is subtracted from the total to give ascorbate content. The assay can detect 0.2 to 20 nmol of ascorbic acid in various samples.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) plays an important role in many biological processes. It is a potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral agent and an immune stimulant and is present in a wide variety of biological specimens. Due to the presence of a variety of other antioxidants in biological samples such as serum, most ascorbic acid assays show strong interference.
The assay can detect 0.2 to 20 nmol of ascorbic acid in various samples.
Store at -20°C.
100 assays
Kit Components
• FRASC Buffer
• Ascorbic Acid Probe
• FeCl3 solution
• Ascorbate Oxidase (lyophilized)
• Ascorbic Acid Standard (20 µmole)
Detection method
Absorbance (545-600 nm)
For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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