Cladosporium cladosporioides Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (24)

Cladosporium cladosporioides Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (24)

Product Name
Cladosporium cladosporioides Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (24)
Product Overview
Cladosporium cladosporioides Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (24) is designed for the detection of Cladosporium cladosporioides DNA based on the use of real-time PCR technology.
Cladosporium cladosporioides Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (24) is designed for the detection of Cladosporium cladosporioides specific DNA based on the use of real-time PCR technology. The detection of Cladosporium cladosporioides specific DNA is providing a simple, reliable and rapid result for the detection of Cladosporium cladosporioides. Cladosporium cladosporioides Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (24) includes a PCR control to monitor for PCR inhibition, and to validate the quality of the sample and the detection result. The Cladosporium cladosporioides Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (24) comprises Master Mix for the target and PCR control detection, Primer & Probe Mix, as well as a positive control and a negative control (nuclease-free water) to confirm the integrity of the kit reagents.
All kit components should be stored at -20°C upon arrival;
Repeated thawing and freezing (> 2 x) of the Master Mix and Positive Control should be avoided, as this may affect the performance of the assay. If the reagents are to be used only intermittently, they should be frozen in aliquots;
All reagents can be stored for 1 year at -20°C without showing any reduction in performance.
Kit Components
Component Product
2X PCR Master Mix 350 μL
Cladosporium cladosporioides Primer & Probe Mix 70 μL
Cladosporium cladosporioides Positive Control 50 μL
Nuclease-Free Water (Negative control) 1.25 mL
Product Insert 1
Materials Required but Not Supplied
Appropriate Real-Time PCR Instrument with FAM and HEX filter channel;
DNA Purification Kit: The kit is compatible with all DNA purification kits that yield high quality, inhibitor-free DNA;
Disposable powder-free gloves;
Benchtop microcentrifuge;
Sterile pipette tips with filters;
PCR tubes;
Vortex mixer;
PCR reaction preparation station (Optional).
Scientific Background
Cladosporium is one of the most widespread molds. It includes about 40 species naturally found in soil, on decaying plant material and as plant pathogens. Cladosporium rot (Cladosporium spp.) of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is a common disease, particularly in Cabernet Sauvignon and other red wine grape cultivars. It is favored by delayed harvest to obtain the phenolic maturity necessary for high-quality red wine. Symptoms appear on mature grapes and are characterized by berry dehydration, a firm decay affecting a small portion of the berry and a superficial olivegreen mold. Rapid and accurate detection of Cladosporium infections is highly important to facilitate the monitoring of Cladosporium in plant samples.
Detection method
Real-Time PCR
Sample Type
Plant tissues
For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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