GV3101 Electroporation Competent Cell

GV3101 Electroporation Competent Cell

Size   10 tubes (50μL/tube) Price  $548 Qty   Order Online  Add to Quote
Size   20 tubes (50μL/tube) Price  $698 Qty   Order Online  Add to Quote
Size   50 tubes (50μL/tube) Price  $1,298 Qty   Order Online  Add to Quote

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Product Name
GV3101 Electroporation Competent Cell
Product Overview
The genotype of GV3101 Electroporation Competent Cell is C58 (rif R) Ti pMP90 (pTiC58DT-DNA) (gent R) Nopaline. Background of GV3101 strain is C58. It contains rifampicin resistant gene (rif) in nuclear genes as screening label. GV3101 carries nopaline type Ti plasmid pMP90 (pTiC58DT-DNA) to facilitate transformation. Ti plasmid pMP90 (pTiC58DT-DNA) contains vir gene, which is essential for insertion of T-DNA into plant genome. Ti plasmid pMP90 (pTiC58DT-DNA) is disabled to transfer its own T-DNA but enabled to transfer foreign binary vector T-DNA. pMP90 (pTiC58DT-DNA) Ti plasmid contains gentamicin resistance gene. GV3101 Electroporation Competent Cell is particularly suitable for large plasmid transformation.
GV3101 Electroporation Competent Cell is suitable for transgenic operations of Arabidopsis, tobacco, corn, potatoes and other plants.
1. Volume of DNA from ligation mix should not exceed 1/10 of the cell mixture; DNA for transformation should be purified and free of organic substances such as ethanol.
2. Do not pipette or vortex cells.
3. Plating volume can be adjusted accordingly.
4. Please avoid excessive use of rifampicin. Maximum concentration of rifampicin in selection is 25 μg/mL.
Store at - 80 °C for 12 months.
Kit Components
GV3101 Electroporation: 50 μL/tube * 10 tube/50 tube.
Transformation efficiency
Transformation efficiency of GV3101 Electroporation Competent Cell using pCAMBIA2301 plasmid with 50 μg/mL kan is >10^5 cfu/μg DNA. Transformation efficiency is reduced to half when the plate contains 50 μg/mL kan and 20 μg/mL rif.
For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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