Resistance identification mainly identifies traits such as disease resistance, insect resistance, cold resistance, and drought resistance. Lifeasible is a leading global life sciences company that provides reliable solutions for plant disease resistance identification to evaluate the resistance or infection level of a host variety, strain, or germplasm to a specific disease and to assess the pathogenicity of pathogens.
In the environment where plants grow, there are many microorganisms, some of which can get the nutrients to survive by harming the plants and becoming pathogenic microorganisms of plants. In recent years, due to the changes in agricultural cultivation patterns, crop varieties, and farming systems, increases in environmental pollution, and changes in pathogenic microorganism population, plant diseases have been aggravated, such as rice distemper, wheat scab, stripe rust, corn ear rot, potato late blight, rice blast disease, etc. The plant diseases can greatly reduce the crop yield. Therefore, plant disease management has been one of the major objectives of any crop improvement program. Plant disease resistance genes can detect pathogen attacks and facilitate a counterattack against the pathogen. Many plants disease-resistance genes have been used in past crop improvement programs with varying degrees of success.
Fig. 1. Plant pathogen interaction and development of disease resistance. (Gururani et al., 2012)
Crop disease resistance identification is the foundation of disease resistance breeding, from antigen selection and progeny selection, to variety promotion. Lifeasible provides professional solutions for plant disease resistance identification, including natural identification, inoculation identification, field plant identification, indoor seedling identification, ex vivo identification, indirect identification, etc. Depending on the crop and type of infestation, we will select the best method for you.
We offer field identification methods to identify plant disease resistance under natural disease conditions. This method is suitable for areas where various diseases are commonly found and allows for multi-year, multi-point joint identification. It provides the most comprehensive and rigorous resistance test in breeding material or varieties.
The method of field identification varies according to the type of crop, and field identification of field crops generally involves artificial inoculation, and the inoculation method again varies according to the disease. For airborne diseases such as rice blasts, inoculation can be carried out by smearing, spraying, and injecting, respectively, so that varieties with resistance to contact, invasion, and other disease-resistance mechanisms can also develop.
This method involves inoculating the leaves, fruits, or roots of greenhouse or field plants directly with spores or viruses of the pathogen. It is suitable for identifying disease resistance in all crops. We ensure that the results truly reflect the disease resistance of the material being identified.
We offer technical procedures for inoculation identification: seedling, inoculum preparation (isolation, preservation, and cloning), and inoculation. Methods of inoculation include dabbing, spraying, rubbing, and injection.
We offer in vitro inoculation methods to identify diseases that are characterized by resistance mechanisms at the tissue, cellular, or molecular level. The advantages of this method are its simplicity and the reliability of the results. Resistance to different pathogens can be simultaneously identified in the same material.
Lifeasible provides a variety of methods to identify and evaluate plant disease resistance, aiming to provide a reference for studying the molecular mechanism of disease resistance in plants and molecular genetic breeding to improve disease resistance in plants. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for the best solutions.
Lifeasible has established a one-stop service platform for plants. In addition to obtaining customized solutions for plant genetic engineering, customers can also conduct follow-up analysis and research on plants through our analysis platform. The analytical services we provide include but are not limited to the following:
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