Protein Analysis of Agricultural Phages

Protein Analysis of Agricultural Phages

Protein Analysis of Agricultural Phages

The head of the phage consists of D and V proteins, and display systems for D and V proteins can be constructed. In order to know whether the proteins isolated to the whole genome annotation results of phage are present in these phages, we do mass spectrometry detection by extracting the proteins of agrophage, after running gel to separate these protein bands. All protein sequences in the whole genome annotation results of phage to build two protein libraries and compare the mass spectrometry detection results with the protein libraries.

Lifeasible provides integrated services for protein analysis of agricultural phages. Our professional team offers services from protein extraction, mass determination, circular dichroism analysis, structure identification, and amino acid composition analysis to help our customers better identify the protein composition in agricultural phages.

Services content

  • Precise mass determination

Using the highest resolution and sensitivity mass spectrometer available, combined with nanoliter chromatography for proteomic analysis of agrophages, we perform precise mass determination with high resolution and high-quality accuracy.

  • Circular dichroism analysis of agricultural phage proteins

There are asymmetric secondary conformations in protein molecules, which make protein molecules absorb left and right circularly polarized light differently and become elliptically polarized light after being transmitted by left and right circularly polarized light. The presence of proteins can also be analyzed by circular dichroism chromatography.

  • Agrophage protein structure identification

The structural proteins of agrophages can be identified by mass spectrometry.

  • Amino acid composition analysis of agrophages

Amino acid composition analysis is the gold standard for accurately quantifying agrophage proteins. It is often desirable to know the amino acid composition of a sample before finding the sequence information in the sample. This helps usidentify any errors in the sequencing process to correct the sequencing process.

Feedback to the customer

Lifeasible will provide you with a detailed technical report that includes:

  • Sample handling procedure
  • Experimental methods and procedures
  • The original data
  • Data analysis report

About the samples

  • Please try to avoid high salt concentrations in the samples.
  • Avoid having fingerprints and dust in the sample. These substances contain many human proteins, which may affect the assay results.

Service process

Service process of Protein Analysis of Agricultural Phage


  • The results of the qualitative analysis are reliable and can give both the molecular weight and rich structural information of each component.
  • The technical service for agricultural phage protein analysis provides high sensitivity and low detection limits.
  • The Lifeasible team is committed to strict compliance with international regulatory and quality control requirements, providing complete data reporting and data analysis to ensure the quality of completed projects.
  • Lifeasible's technical support will discuss your project progress, resolve technical issues, and help you complete your project more quickly.
For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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