Tea Net Content Testing

Tea Net Content Testing

Tea Net Content Testing

The world fills billions of packages daily, such as boxes, cans, bottles, jars, everything. And, by law, every package must show net content, whether by weight, volume, or number of pieces. Net content refers to the number of goods contained in the packaging container and other packaging materials are removed. Neither the packaging material of the commodity nor any other material packaged with the commodity, may be recorded as net content. Net content control to ensure that consumers get value for money.


As a recognized leader in tea testing, Lifeasible can develop the best tea net content testing solutions to help customers label the net content of quantitatively packaged tea and resolve net content labeling failures. We offer standard methods for tea net content testing:

Weight Test Method

  • Select a standard sample.
  • Using accurate weighing instruments, measure the actual weight of the packaged product to be tested and the standard sample.
  • Comparison, where the difference rate between the actual weight and the weight of the standard sample shall not exceed one-twelfth, in accordance with the requirements.

We use high-precision instruments throughout the testing process to ensure the accuracy of the test results. Secondly, we use fresh samples to prevent the effects of aging and the environment. We conduct testing for net tea content with the following ultimate objectives:

  • To help customers be able to evaluate performance to ensure that production is within the limits of external regulations and internal quality policies for net tea content.
  • To help customers optimize spillage to reduce costs and waste.

Tea Net Content Testing Standard Procedures

(1) Metrological testing standards.

(2) Metrological sampling method.

(3) Statistics of measurement test results.

Our professional team is also trying to develop more precise testing techniques to further improve the accuracy of quantitative tea net content testing. Whether you are talking about weight, volume, quantity, or a combination, our tea net content testing solutions will ensure that your net content is accurate and that you minimize "giveaways." If you are interested in our solutions, please contact us for technical consultation and quotation.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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