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Identification of Plant Mitochondrial RNA Editing Sites

Identification of Plant Mitochondrial RNA Editing Sites

Plant mitochondria, as one of the semi-autonomous organelles in cells, play an essential role in the growth and development of plants and are the energy factories of plants. RNA editing is a post-transcriptional regulation of mitochondrial RNA in recent years, which refers to the change of bases at the RNA level to form amino acids with possibly completely different properties. Hundreds of editing sites have been identified in plant mitochondria, but why RNA editing frequently occurs in mitochondria remains unclear. Therefore, botanists are increasingly interested in the phenomenon of mitochondrial RNA editing.

Lifeasible provides a wide range of plant molecular research services, including identifying plant mitochondrial RNA editing sites and helping our clients elucidate the role of mitochondrial RNA editing in plant growth and development. Our services range from protocol consultation to feedback on results, providing our clients with the highest standards of service in the industry.

What We Offer

In higher plants, RNA editing is commonly carried out in C-U transitions, with a small number of U insertions and U-C transitions also present. Research into the identification of RNA editing sites can help to unravel the molecular principles underlying the phenomenon of post-transcriptional processing and modification of genes.

We offer RNA editing site identification services for many plants and recommend different sample types for delivery depending on the plant type and experimental needs.

We extract the total RNA from the sample, remove any rRNA that may affect the results, add the splice sequence for PCR and then perform high-throughput sequencing.

The sequencing data is analyzed using a variety of bioinformatics software such as SAMtools, beddTools, and ChloroSeq to analyze amino acid transfer probabilities and codon transfer probabilities and to identify the location, frequency, and editing sites in the codon.

Plant Species Covered by Our Service

The number of RNA editing sites in plant mitochondria is much greater than in chloroplasts. There is much scope for analyzing and studying the genetic information contained in plant mitochondrial RNA editing sites. We have a long history of providing RNA editing site identification services for plants, including but not limited to those shown in the table below.

Our successful project experience
Arabidopsis thaliana Oryza sativa L. Zea mays L.
Anthoceros Lycopodium Pteridophyta
Pinus Linn Cupressus funebris Endl. Cycas revoluta Thunb.

Our Service Process

Service flowchart. - Lifeasible

At present, there are still many undiscovered editing enzymes and cofactors in plant cells, and the mechanism of mitochondrial RNA editing needs to be further investigated in depth.

Lifeasible has a state-of-the-art plant molecular research laboratory and can provide customizable experimental protocols to suit the needs of our clients. We guarantee the feasibility of our service solutions and the accuracy of our results. If you would like to find out more about our plant mitochondrial RNA editing site services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products/services are For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use!
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