Analysis of Anti-Nematode Enzymes in Plants

Analysis of Anti-Nematode Enzymes in Plants

Nematodes are one of the most diverse groups of animals on earth. Many nematodes can parasitize plants, causing significant damage including the destruction of plant material. For decades, the application of non-selective toxic chemicals to infested soils-controlled outbreaks of plant nematodes. The recent bans on most of these chemicals have redirected attention towards wider use of basal, broad-spectrum immunity to nematodes in crop cultivars. However, it is currently not known if this most ancient layer of immunity affects host invasion by plant nematodes at all. Basal immunity in plants relies on detecting molecular patterns uniquely associated with infections in the apoplast by surface-localized receptors.

Anti-nematode enzymes in plants, including papain-like cysteine protease, chitinases, and collagenases, are shown to be important factors that can attack nematode infection. Lifeasible develops an advanced platform equipped with advanced instruments and professional staff for the analysis of these anti-nematode enzymes in plants with a high standard. We customize featured services according to the customers' demand.

Analysis of Papain-Like Cysteine Protease Responses to Nematode Infection

  • Enzymatic activity of papain-like cysteine proteases (PLCPs) is important in the plant immune system, which attacks nematodes by digesting the cuticle, leading to rupture and death of the worm. The nematode cuticle comprises collagens and cuticles, but the specific molecular target(s) for the proteinases have yet to be identified.
  • Lifeasible provides analysis services of PLCPs, including RCR3pim, RD21A and others, which are interact with nematode effectors. In addition, the absence of homologs of these anti-nematode enzymes in plants enhances susceptibility to nematodes.
  • The list of services we offer includes nematode maintenance and extraction, nematode RNA isolation and cloning of genes, yeast two-hybrid assay, bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis, nematode infection assay, and so on.

Tentative model summarizing known and hypothetical functions of PLCPs during plant immune-signaling.Fig.1 Tentative model summarizing known and hypothetical functions of PLCPs during plant immune-signaling.

Analysis of Chitinases Responses to Nematode Infection

  • Chitinases are potentially important apo plastic enzymes in immunity against plant nematodes. In nematodes, chitin is the main component of the eggshell and makes up part of the pharyngeal lumen walls, suggesting that chitinases may have anti-nematode activity and thus contribute to immunity against plant nematodes.
  • We provide analysis services of chitinases, including the detection of chitinase activity and transcript levels after plant nematode infection. Specifically, our customized services in this process include chitinase activity, quantitative analysis of nematocidal activity, cuticle and eggshell digestion, image analysis by confocal microscopy, and others.

Lifeasible offers services covering analysis of anti-nematode enzymes in plants to meet your research demands. With years of experience in plant science, our professional platforms can help our clients solve various difficulties. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please feel free to contact us or make an online inquiry.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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