Analysis of Nematode Interactions with Fungi

Analysis of Nematode Interactions with Fungi

Fungi and nematodes are among the most abundant organisms in the terrestrial ecosystem. The plant nematode is the second largest phylum in the animal kingdom, encompassing an estimated 500,000 species. Nematodes do not decompose organic matter but are parasitic or free-living organisms that feed on living materials. On the other hand, fungi are the principal decomposers of dead organic matter; they perform fundamental roles in nutrient cycling in the ecosystem. Both fungi and nematodes (as well as all animals) are heterotrophs. They are commonly found co-existing in a diversity of natural and man-made ecosystems, especially in the rhizosphere of plants, including crops, with significant impacts on agriculture and forestry.

Lifeasible provides analysis services of nematode interactions with fungi to help our customers worldwide in plant science research. Our platform is equipped with cutting-edge facilities and professional experts to support research. Here, we provide various services according to customers’ demands.

Interactions Between Nematodes and Fungal Pathogens

  • In the soil environment, opportunities exist for interactions between soil-borne pathogens and pests of plants when they occupy the same ecological niche. While antagonism can occur between them in their competitions for space and resources, synergistic interactions between them also possible to cause greater damage to plants, including crops.
  • Many species of plant parasitic nematodes predispose plants to infection by certain fungi or, in some way, enhance the course of the disease. For example, in the rhizosphere, nematode attacks can lower the resistance of plants to pathogens and increase their susceptibility to infection by soil-borne fungal pathogens.
  • Fungi-nematode interactions in soil.Fig.1 Fungi-nematode interactions in soil.

  • Lifeasible provides analysis of nematode interactions with fungi, such as Fusarium wilt in cotton, F. oxysporum in bean and potato, F. solani in fig, Rhizoctonia solani in green bean, Phytophthora capsica in pepper, and others.
  • In most interactions involving fungi, the nematodes are not essential for establishing and developing the fungal pathogen. We also help analyze the incidence, rate of development, and severity of the disease, which may involve the pathogenicity of the fungi assisted by plant nematodes.

Factors Influencing Interactions Between Nematodes and Phytopathogenic Fungi

  • The nature of interactions between phytophagous nematodes and phytopathogenic fungi varies among the different fungal and nematode species. For example, some plant pathogenic nematodes can induce physical damage, such as small wounds, to their host plants.
  • We assist in analyzing factors that influence interactions between nematodes and phytopathogenic fungi, such as triggering physiological changes in host plants and interactions between entomopathogenic nematodes and entomopathogenic fungi.

Lifeasible provides cost-effective, high-quality, and hassle-free services to our customers worldwide. ​We provide our clients with direct access to our experts and prompt responses to their questions. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please feel free to contact us or make an online inquiry.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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