Brassica oleracea (Kale) Transformation

Brassica oleracea (Kale) Transformation

Brassica Oleracea Transformation

Brassica oleracea, known as kale, is a common leafy vegetable crop. Kale is relatively high in nutrients and contains a large amount of vitamin C, E, and B. Currently, kale is widely grown worldwide, and great progress has been made in conventional breeding. However, the years of conventional breeding are very long. Therefore, plant genetic engineering technology would be a better choice to make new breakthroughs in the selection and breeding of insect and disease resistant kale varieties. Transgenic system can break the bottleneck of kale breeding and finally achieve a big speed-up in the kale breeding process.

What We Offer

Lifeasible has a proven kale genetic transformation system that allows us to provide large-scale, standardized kale genetic transformation services. As your best partner in plant genetic transformation, we can help you efficiently obtain transgenic kale plants that meet your requirements quickly. Our versatile kale gene transformation technology platform revolves around the Agrobacterium transformation method, using kale leaves as the recipient material. Immediately after the Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of kale, we perform the corresponding resistance screening. Subsequently, independent resistant healing tissues are obtained, which are eventually further regenerated into transgenic kale. Here our various kale genetic modification services are listed below.

Service Flow

Schematic diagram of the standardized process of kale genetic transformation. - Lifeasible

1. Sample submission requirements

Customers can provide constructed kale transformation vectors directly, and Lifeasible also offers vector construction services.

  • Customer-supplied plasmid requirements
Concentration Volume Other requirements
80-100 ng/μL ≥10 μL no degradation & no contamination
  • Customer-supplied Agrobacterium requirements (Both Agrobacterium broth and plates are acceptable.)
Bacterial broth Bacterial plate
Bacterial broth up to 1-year-old, preserved in glycerol Bacterial plate activated within one week
  • Mature seeds within one year ≥ 100

*For special varieties and customized services, the experiment time and the number of seeds needed may be increased. For this, please contact our staff for more information.

*Plasmids, E. coli, and Agrobacterium require cryopreservation and mailing under dry ice to avoid degradation, inactivation, and impact on experimental results.

*The strains, vectors, and receptor materials used in the experiment can be saved for free for half a year for customers, and you can pick them up at any time if you need them.

2. Experimental process that can be followed at any time

Experts are available throughout the service process of kale transformation to provide you with project consultation, experiment design, experiment customization, experiment operation and progress tracking. You can contact us anytime for real-time progress, and we will keep you informed regularly, especially at critical points of the experiment. The standardized experimental procedure is shown in the above diagram, you just need to submit the samples as required, and then you will get the positive seedlings and the experimental report within the agreed time.

3. Brassica oleracea transformation results delivery

  • First you will receive the T0 positive seedlings that meet your customized needs.
  • Detailed DNA sequence identification report (test number, positive vaccine number, total number of positives, positivity rate)
  • Information about test primers, vector sequences, variant genes, etc.
  • Experimental data and pictures (exosome infestation, induction of healing, embryonic healing, tissue differentiation, plant regeneration, PCR gel electrophoresis diagram)
  • Complete, detailed and comprehensive experimental data and reports.

We Do Better

  • We provide one-stop personalized service to achieve the maximum simplification of your research project. You will feel comfortable and relaxed in our cooperation.
  • Our plant transformation experiments do not have any seasonal restrictions and can be carried out at any time for kale transformation experiments. In addition, we have sufficient sterile seedlings of commonly used kale varieties to carry out genetic transformation projects all year round.
  • We have a professional technical team that has been engaged in plant genetic transformation for many years, which greatly guarantees the success rate of experiments.
  • We adopt the mainstream Agrobacterium infestation method for kale genetic transformation, which ensures the professionalism and reliability of the results.

Lifeasible's experts have comprehensive knowledge and years of experience in solving technical problems and challenges in brassica oleracea transformation. We can provide customized solutions to help you study a wide range of kale varieties. Our services guarantee the success of your project. For more information or any inquiry needs, please feel free to contact us.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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