Carbon metabolism in photosynthesis is arguably the most important chemical reaction on Earth. Photosynthetic autotrophs have evolved CO2 concentrating mechanisms (CCM) to cope with environmental conditions of low CO2 concentration in their surroundings. Algae or cyanobacteria in plant chloroplasts can activate the CCM at low CO2 concentrations, enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis by increasing the CO2 concentration in the vicinity of ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) while inhibiting photorespiration. Understanding the CCM will also help to enable the artificial design of algae-specific traits to be introduced into C3 plants to enhance their photosynthetic efficiency, thereby improving plant growth and agricultural yields.
Lifeasible has been working in the field of plants for many years and has an in-depth understanding of synthetic biology that promotes plant growth and agriculture. A chloroplast to CCM energy supply network has been proposed, describing how algal cells distribute energy from photosynthesis to different CCM processes. Based on this, we attempted to transfer functional algal CCM to plants to improve crop productivity.
Improving the photosynthetic efficiency of crops through plant genetic engineering is an effective way to increase food production. Models have shown that if CCM is successfully introduced into major food crops such as rice, wheat, and soybean, it can lead to a 60% increase in carbon fixation while improving water and nitrogen use. Many photosynthetic engineering strategies continue to be investigated, the most promising being the transfer of CCM from Chlamydomonas into crops to improve their photosynthetic efficiency.
To increase the CO2 concentration around Rubisco, we are working on the modification of the Chlamydomonas CCM protein nucleus and HCO3-transporter, the modification of the cyanobacterial CCM carboxylase body and inorganic carbon transporter, the modification of Rubisco protein dynamics, the modification of genes in photorespiration and the optimization of the regeneration of RuBP in the Calvin cycle.
We can transform Rubisco from cyanobacteria into tobacco plastids to transform C3 plants. It is also possible to express the cyanobacterial HCO3-transport protein BicA in tobacco plastids. It is also possible to express the Chlamydomonas CCM proteins HLA3, LCIA, and LCIB in higher plants. It is even possible to functionally assemble the Calvin cycle in E. coli.
If you need to identify the core components of CCM in higher plants, we can introduce CCM into a heterologous, fast-growing, CCM-free photosynthetic system, such as mosses (small standing bowl mosses), ground money, plant cell culture systems, or green algae that do not contain CCM.
The construction of fully functional CCM in crops is a great scientific challenge, opening the way for transferring functional CCM in cultivated plants to improve their productivity. Lifeasible is engaged in research related to CCM, where we use plant genetic engineering techniques to transfer core components of algal CCM to higher crop species to improve photosynthetic efficiency and, thus, crop yield. If you are interested in CCM-related research, please feel free to contact us for details.
Lifeasible has established a one-stop service platform for plants. In addition to obtaining customized solutions for plant genetic engineering, customers can also conduct follow-up analysis and research on plants through our analysis platform. The analytical services we provide include but are not limited to the following:
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