Chrysanthemum morifolium (Garden Mum) Transformation

Chrysanthemum morifolium (Garden Mum) Transformation

Chrysanthemum morifolium is a perennial herb in the Asteraceae family. Chrysanthemum has many different colors and forms and is a famous ornamental flower. Chrysanthemum is rich in nutrients, including inulin, amino acids, flavonoids, and trace amounts of vitamin B1. The dried heads of chrysanthemum flowers are generally used as medicine to treat colds, detoxify and lower blood pressure. However, with the improvement in living standards, people have higher requirements for the quality of chrysanthemum products. By introducing genetic engineering means to the breeding process of chrysanthemums, it is important for the targeted transformation of chrysanthemum traits. Presently, genetic modifications for chrysanthemums are also emerging, mainly including petal morphology, flower color, and improved resistance.

Chrysanthemum Morifolium Transformation

What We Offer

Lifeasible's expert team has developed a well-established chrysanthemum genetic transformation platform that can allow for targeted improvement of chrysanthemum traits on a large scale in a short period of time. Our versatile transgenic platform is based on the Agrobacterium transformation method, where T-DNA is inserted into the chrysanthemum genome by Agrobacterium carrying the target gene vector. Then PCR-based identification screening is required to determine whether the experiment is successful. The only positive seedlings that can be verified are those that meet quality standards and are ultimately provided to customers. Our experts will take care of the whole experimental process, from vector construction to obtaining positive transgenic plants; you just need to submit samples as required and then wait patiently for the results. In addition, you can choose the vector construction service you need from the following links.

Service Flow

Schematic diagram of the standardized process of chrysanthemum genetic transformation. - Lifeasible

1. Sample submission requirements

Customers can provide constructed chrysanthemum transformation vectors directly, and Lifeasible also offers vector construction services.

  • Customer-supplied plasmid requirements
Concentration Volume Other requirements
80-100 ng/μL ≥10 μL no degradation & no contamination
  • Customer-supplied Agrobacterium requirements (Both Agrobacterium broth and plates are acceptable.)
Bacterial broth Bacterial plate
Bacterial broth up to 1-year-old, preserved in glycerol Bacterial plate activated within one week

*For special varieties and customized services, the experiment time and the number of seeds needed may be increased. For this, please contact our staff for more information.

*Plasmids, E. coli, and Agrobacterium require cryopreservation and mailing under dry ice to avoid degradation, inactivation, and impact on experimental results.

*The strains, vectors, and receptor materials used in the experiment can be saved for free for half a year for customers, and you can pick them up at any time if you need them.

2. Experimental process that can be followed at any time

The method of chrysanthemum's genetic transformation service is standardized, and equipped with experienced experts responsible for project consultation, vector construction, plasmid transformation, experimental design, professional operation, progress report, and after-sales issues. We will promptly remind our customers of the key points of the experiment and also report the results of the current stage of the experiment to you regularly. So you are not involved in the process, but you are always informed about the progress of your experiments. Our one-stop service is aimed at reducing the burden of your research and saving you time. You can completely relax and focus on other, more important aspects of your research.

3. Chrysanthemum morifolium transformation results delivery

  • First you will receive the T0 positive seedlings that meet your customized needs.
  • Detailed DNA sequence identification report (test number, positive vaccine number, total number of positives, positivity rate).
  • Information about test primers, vector sequences, variant genes, etc.
  • Experimental data and pictures (induction of healing, embryonic healing, tissue differentiation, plant regeneration, PCR gel electrophoresis diagram).
  • Complete, detailed, and comprehensive experimental data and reports.

We Do Better

  • Our chrysanthemum transformation platform is based on an efficient, stable, and mainstream Agrobacterium infestation method, which not only carries out the transformation of dominant traits but also can be applied to study plant gene functions.
  • Based on standardized experimental procedures, professional technical support, and well-equipped molecular biology experiments, we are committed to ensuring the success of each transformation project.
  • When you don't have time to carry out chrysanthemum breeding work, our transformation service is the best choice for you, allowing you to go on to more important work with complete confidence.

Lifeasible's experts have comprehensive knowledge and years of experience in solving technical problems and challenges in Chrysanthemum morifolium transformation. We can provide customized solutions to help you study a wide range of chrysanthemum varieties. Our services guarantee the success of your project. For more information or any inquiry needs, please feel free to contact us.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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