Citrus reticulata (Mandarin Orange) Transformation

Citrus reticulata (Mandarin Orange) Transformation

Citrus reticulata is one of the important fruit crops in the world. With the rise of Citrus reticulata production and consumption, the market demand for Citrus reticulata quality is also increasing. Since Citrus reticulata has long been affected by various factors such as self-incompatibility, partial apomixis and sterility, and polyembryony, it is challenging to modify Citrus reticulata by relying on traditional breeding methods, so the development of Citrus reticulata genetic transformation system is of great significance for the transformation of Citrus reticulata. Therefore, developing a genetic transformation system for Citrus reticulata is of great significance for transforming the species.

Lifeasible is a professional plant genetic transformation company, and we have rich service experience in Citrus reticulata genetic transformation research. So far, we have provided various effective solutions for new Citrus reticulata varieties centered on Citrus reticulata quality, maturity, and other aspects, relying on our advanced Citrus reticulata genetic transformation platform, which plays an important role in promoting citrus research.

Citrus reticulata Transformation

What do we offer?

Genetic transformation is a biotechnological tool that can be used in Citrus reticulata breeding programs by releasing improved varieties with desired characteristics in a shorter period. We have so far utilized various methods for Citrus reticulata transformation, of which Agrobacterium transformation was mainly used in Citrus reticulata transformation studies.

In addition to Agrobacterium tumefaciens, we can use particle bombardment, electroporation, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and RNA interference techniques in Citrus reticulata transformation studies. Furthermore, genetic transformation is an attractive alternative technique for genetically improving Citrus reticulata. However, transformation efficiencies are generally low, and protocols are species-dependent or even variety-dependent, with the limitation of low plant regeneration frequency, especially for many economically significant Citrus reticulata varieties. Therefore, when developing effective genetic transformants, we also conduct specific studies on the in vitro regeneration conditions for each genotype to guarantee transformation success. In Citrus reticulata genetic transformation, we offer a wide range of transformation genotypes, including screening marker genes, reporter genes, and genes for agronomic traits such as resistance to pests and diseases, stress-related genes, genes for improved fruit quality, and genes for shortening of the fruiting period.

Notice to customers

  • Customers can directly provide the constructed transformation vector or entrust us to carry out the related vector construction service.
  • If the species provided by the customer is special, it will increase the experimental time, at the same time, it is necessary to provide a more significant number of seeds, the specific number of positive seedlings can be negotiated according to the customer's requirements.
  • We provide independent T0 generation seedlings by default and take the positive result of resistance gene PCR identification as the closing standard.

Our experimental delivery results

  • Each standard transformation provides 5-10 positive strains, or independent transformation strains can be provided according to customer requirements.
  • Experimental data and pictures.
  • Full experimental report of the project.

Why choose us?

  • Complete service support. We can provide perfect and professional technical communication and guidance services in the preexperiment, during the experiment, and after the completion of the project.
  • High transformation rate. Long-term research and development of plant regeneration and genetic transformation system, the technology is mature and stable, which can guarantee the success rate of the experiment.
  • Efficient experimental process. Optimized cotyledon transformation system can carry out genetic transformation projects at any time. We adopt Agrobacterium transformation method, which can be fast, efficient, stable, and single-copy insertion-based.

Our service workflow

Fig. 2. Our service workflow - Lifeasible

Lifeasible is an industry leader in plant genetic transformation, and we aim to work with researchers to accelerate the process of plant genetic transformation research. The Citrus reticulata transformation service we provide is of great significance in helping researchers deepen Citrus reticulata research and improve the quality of Citrus reticulata. If you are interested in us, please feel free to contact us.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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