General Testing

General Testing

As the foundation of national economic activity, feed industry has been thriving with the global increase in the demand for animal proteins. Meanwhile, the growth of feed industry is continuously challenged by safety, quality, protein availability, and market instability. Millions of people on the earth are relying on abundant, safe and affordable animal products to ensure their nutritional wellbeing. Efficient and intensive manufacturing of milk, eggs, meat and other animal products requires balanced and blended feeds. Providing safe feed products with adequate nutrition enable farms to ensure food quality, maintain food consistency, reduce potential pollution from animal waste, and enhance animal health at every stage of growth and production.

Lifeasible is the leading company in feed testing and inspection. Our state-of-art analytics platform provides a broad range of testing solutions to meet your specific needs. We established standard assays to measure the nutrients and contaminants in feed to ensure the quality and safety of your feed products. Our services mainly include

Nutritional Analysis

Animal feed generally comprises of water, crude ash, dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, amino acid, acid detergent fiber, etc. Crude ash contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium and other mineral elements. Crude protein is a general term for nitrogenous substances in feed, including proteins, amino acids, purines, ammonia, urea and other nitrogenous substances. Crude fat refers to ether extract present in feed, including fat, fatty acid, phospholipid, cholesterol, etc. Lifeasible provides a number of methods with great precision, accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity for detection of nutritional components in feed.

Microbiology and Residues Testing

Pesticide residues and toxic substances in feed mainly come from feed raw materials, as well as contamination introduced during processing and storage. Certain crops produce and accumulate natural toxins as defensive actions of plants or as consequences of climate stress. Various adverse health effects could be caused to livestock by natural toxins present in feed. To ensure the yield, excessive use of inert pesticides in some developing countries poses a serious threat to feed safety. To ensure reliability and sensitivity detection of natural toxins and residues in feed, Lifeasible provides a variety of platforms, including but not limited to GLC, HPLC, GC-MS, and HPLC-MS.

Physical and Chemical Properties Testing

Physical and chemical properties of feed are associated with quality assessment in feed production, storage and transportation. Environmental and biological factors, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, light, microorganisms and insects may contribute to the alteration of feed physical and chemical properties. Monitoring parameters at every point of throughout the feed chain help to secure quality and to strengthen the feed safety. Indexes to demonstrate feed processing quality include mixing uniformity, crushing size, grain hardness, particle pulverization rate, starch gelatinization degree, water stability, in vitro digestibility, et al. General indexes to characterize feed quality include moisture, ash content, acid value, peroxide value, fitness, et al.

Highlighted features:





Make full use of relevant detection technology to ensure accuracy and sensitivity

Strict quality assurance procedures to ensure all operations run smoothly

Do exactly as the customer requested

Provide the partner with a complete service record

We have diverse feed detection platforms and advanced analysis technologies. We guarantee to provide our customers with accurate and reliable test results in accordance with standards as you request. For more information or detailed discussion, please contact us.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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