In pursuit of balanced and high-quality animal feed, feed supplements are routinely added by feed industries. However, nutritive value of feed should be determined before any decision is made. Nutritive components in the feed are material basis for animal life maintenance and production. Analysis on available nutrients advises the use of feed to its full potential and could be instructive on the feed supplements strategy. The main indicators of nutrition include crude protein, crude fat, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, amino acid, acid detergent fiber and others.
Crude protein refers to the total amount of protein in the animal feed, reflected by nitrogen content. Protein plays essential role in feed nutrition by maintaining animal life, ensuring their growth and production, and promoting immunology of animals’. Protein-enriched feed is the major supply for meat and dairy industry. Lifeasible explores and provides diverse approaches to crude protein analysis, including national standard, Kjeldahl method, strong alkali direct distillation method, and hydrogen peroxide method.
Fat, like carbohydrates, is one of essential energy resources which support daily life of animals. Particular fats are able to improve milk yields, enhance fertility, and reduce heat stress. Dairy cows require sufficient fat from feed to maintain productivity and wellness. But overfeeding of fat can also cause serious health issues to farm animals. Lifeasible is here to help you analyze fat content in the feed. We process feed ample by soxhlet extraction and hydrochloric acid hydrolysis method, followed by GC chromatography, to provide you with true crude fat content in the feed.
Minerals have critical functions in physiological processes and metabolic reactions in animals. Calcium and phosphorus are the main components of bones and teeth. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of genetic materials DNA, RNA and protein, and it is necessary for development of nerves and muscles. Sodium, chlorine and potassium contribute to maintenance of osmotic pressure and adjustment of acid-base balance. Lifeasible is equipped with a wide range of detection techniques such as GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) to provide you with mineral content analysis in feed.
Amino acids comprise proteins and peptides which serve building blocks for farm animals. Essential amino acid can only be obtained by animals from feed, and they are needed in various biochemical and physiological processes. Adequate amino acid supply in feed may promote animal growth, optimize feed utilization rate, improve meat quality, help calcium absorption, and so on. We have established a comprehensive set of feed amino acid assays, combining chromatography and mass spectrometry. We will find a best solution for you with the list of amino acids you are interested in.
Acid detergent fiber (ADF) is a measurement which refers to least digestible components in feed. After removing fat, starch, protein and sugar in the feed, the residual insoluble substances are rendered ADF, including cellulose, lignin and a small amount of silicate. National standard and modified national standard are utilized for ADF analysis reference. We are dedicated to providing you with reliable and effective solutions, to meet your requirements.
Our nutritional analysis services are known by short turnaround time, competitive price, professional advice and reliable results. For more information and questions, please contact us.
Lifeasible has established a one-stop service platform for plants. In addition to obtaining customized solutions for plant genetic engineering, customers can also conduct follow-up analysis and research on plants through our analysis platform. The analytical services we provide include but are not limited to the following:
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