Physical and chemical properties of feed testing play a central role in feed industry. Various issues could occur during feed production, storage, distribution and consumption. Collecting physical and chemical data is not only indicative for feed assessment and quality control, but also advantageous to food safety. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out the detection of physico-chemical performance indexes.
The physical and chemical properties of feed are the fundamental factors that determine the release characteristics of the nutrients that can be absorbed in the digestive tract of animals. It is associated with the digestive dynamic characteristics of absorbable nutrients in the feed, thus exerting certain influence on feeding effect of animals. Description of feed physio-chemical properties include many aspects, such as color, moisture, ash, pH, peroxide value, fineness of pulverization, et al.
Moisture control is recognized as the importance in feed processing. Moisture content must be well managed as it directly affects economic profits and nutritional quality of finished feed. Grinding and cooling processes cause dramatic drop of moisture, which is ought to be compensated properly. Furthermore, sufficient moisture has to be ensured during the pelleting process, which helps to reduce the energy usage in feed processing. Precise control of water content is essential when negative effects on shelf-life are attempted to remove. Lifeasible is equipped with a professional team to analyze the moisture in the feed. Commonly used approaches include international oven method and rapid moisture detector method. Our experts are glad to provide you with accurate and reliable moisture content analysis.
Ash content of feed is the remains after high temperature calcination. These residues are mainly inorganic salts and oxide mineral, such as phosphorous, calcium, iron, zinc, et al. Some feed might be contaminated with soil, which ash content would be able to tell. High ash values in feed is associated with certain growth problems and urinary tract issues. Therefore, ash content needs to be strictly controlled to ensure the quality of feed and optimized economic returns. Feed is subjected to high temperature for a certain time and residual minerals are determined. We provide advanced technology to help you with ash analysis.
To describe the fatty acid in feed, acid value was introduced as a measurement, which is presented as milligrams of potassium hydroxide needed to neutralize free fatty acids in 1 gram of fat. Acid value can be used as an index of fatty acid hydrolysis degree, and is also an index of rancidity when the feed is preserved. The lower the acid value is, the better the freshness and refining degree is. Acid value of feed is suggestive to animal health management and animal product quality. Lifeasible is proud to provide acid value testing service for various feeds and raw materials, aiding the analysis of the feed quality.
Fat is one of the essential nutrients for animal growth. Whereas, fats are likely to react with oxygen and water in the air during feed processing, storage and transportation, leading to oxidative rancidity and hydrolytic rancidity. Produced peroxide significantly lowers nutritional value of the feed, resulting in a higher risk of animal disease or even death. Peroxide value is an indicator of oxidative deterioration of fats or oils. The higher peroxide value is, the more hydroperoxides formed or the less decomposition takes place. Titration feed sample containing potassium iodide is widely used, while more methods are rising. Lifeasible improved and optimized the traditional testing methods, so as to provide you with more reliable and accurate results.
To avoid digestive system damage caused by oversized feed particles to livestock, fineness of pulverization should be well controlled by considering type of raw material, feeding animal species, growth stage and technological requirements. Fully crushed materials enables the exposure of internal nutrients with a large surface area for better infiltration of digestive juices of livestock and poultry. Selecting feed with appropriate fineness of pulverization is an effective way to improve the utilization of feed. Our laboratory is equipped with advanced feed crushing machines and pulverization testing instruments, which provide fundamentals to different tests to meet your requirements.
At Lifeasible, our scientists and laboratory researchers provide you with custom services and specific solutions that meet relevant international standards to analyze physical and chemical properties of feed. We are known of customer-centered service. If you would like to know more information, please contact us, we are honored to serve you.
Lifeasible has established a one-stop service platform for plants. In addition to obtaining customized solutions for plant genetic engineering, customers can also conduct follow-up analysis and research on plants through our analysis platform. The analytical services we provide include but are not limited to the following:
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