Data Filtering Platform

Data Filtering Platform

The development of pest management methods for healthy, sustainable agriculture can benefit substantially from creating a data filtering platform. Lifeasible is committed to life sciences research and seeks to offer more environmentally friendly, secure, and effective insect pest management solutions. We use big data to analyze gene function, sequence homology, and possible RNAi effects. Our solutions can improve the research and applications in insect pest control and play an important role in pest management.

Data Filtering Platform

Gene function analysis

By using gene functional analysis, describing, and confirming their function, we may anticipate, characterize, and comprehend the involvement of particular genes in pest biology for the sake of pest control. Currently, we can modify target pest genes using gene knockout and antisense techniques, bioinformatics analysis of genes, spatial and temporal expression profiling of genes, functional prediction of genes, and experimental characterization and validation of gene functions. For instance, we can interfere with genes involved in mosquito egg-laying to slow population development. Big data-based gene function analysis can also pinpoint the genes causing pesticide resistance. This aids scientists in creating pest management strategies that are more effective.

Sequence homology analysis

In pest control, sequence homology comparison combined with extensive data plays a crucial role in identifying conserved genes in various pest species. Conserved genes can serve as potential targets for RNAi-based pest control. High sequence similarity suggests that the target genes may have similar functions in different species. Therefore, homology sequence comparison analysis can guide researchers in developing broad-spectrum insecticides. For example, we can develop RNAi-based treatments against various aphid pests by identifying homologous genes in different aphid species.

Analysis of the effect of RNAi

RNAi has shown effective application in pest control, mainly by inhibiting the expression of pest target genes and thus enabling the prevention and control of pests. Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) can be delivered to pests orally, by injection, or by topical application. Evaluating the insecticidal effects of specific siRNAs on pests is critical for identifying effective RNAi-based insecticides. For example, targeting essential genes in the chitin biosynthesis pathway can disrupt insect molting, resulting in pest death.

Our service workflow

  • Selected species assessment.
  • The client supplied samples.
  • Comparative analysis between species.
  • Target gene screening and evaluation.
  • Analysis of RNAi inhibition efficiency of target genes in other species.
  • Target gene similarity and possible off-target analysis in other species.
  • Identification of target genes with possible dsRNA sequence fragments.
  • Delivery of experimental results.

Advantages of our services

Fig. 2. Advantages of our services - Lifeasible

Lifeasible provides a data filtering platform that is important in insect pest control research and applications. If you are interested in us, please feel free to contact us.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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