Ziziphus jujuba (Jujube) Transformation

Ziziphus jujuba (Jujube) Transformation

Ziziphus jujuba, also known as a date tree, is a fruit crop widely grown worldwide. The fruit of the date tree is rich in nutrients, containing high levels of vitamins, many trace elements, and sugar. Studies have shown that it has liver-protective, immune-boosting, and sedative properties. The flowers of the date tree are relatively small and difficult to dehiscence, resulting in a very low fruit set. Currently, most major varieties have a high abortion rate, which makes it difficult to obtain new varieties of dates using traditional cross-breeding methods. With the development of molecular biology, transgenic technology has opened a new way for date variety improvement, which can greatly shorten the breeding cycle and achieve targeted improvement of a certain trait. Genetic engineering breeding has received increasing attention from researchers and breeders because of its advantages of rapidity, purposefulness, and overcoming the difficulties of hybridization. Genetic engineering methods are expected to rapidly obtain new varieties of date trees.

Ziziphus Jujuba Transformation

What We Offer

Lifeasible, as a senior expert in plant genetics, has been committed to providing you with constantly optimized date tree gene transformation services. Our versatile date tree gene transformation platform is based on the Agrobacterium transformation method. It is also equipped with experts with many years of experience in plant genetics to ensure an efficient and reliable service process. Firstly, our experts use the leaves of date trees as transgenic recipient material and insert T-DNA into the date tree genome using Agrobacterium carrying the target gene vector. Subsequently, we screen, differentiate, and positively identify the resistance required by our customers. Eventually, you will receive date tree transgenic seedlings and a detailed lab report. For our various date tree genetic transformation services, you can choose from the below.

Service Flow

Schematic diagram of the standardized process of date tree genetic transformation. - Lifeasible

1. Sample submission requirements

Customers can provide constructed date tree transformation vectors directly, and Lifeasible also offers vector construction services.

  • Customer-supplied plasmid requirements
Concentration Volume Other requirements
80-100 ng/μL ≥10 μL no degradation & no contamination
  • Customer-supplied Agrobacterium requirements (Both Agrobacterium broth and plates are acceptable.)
Bacterial broth Bacterial plate
Bacterial broth up to 1-year-old, preserved in glycerol Bacterial plate activated within one week
  • Mature seeds within one year ≥ 100

*For special varieties and customized services, the experiment time and the number of seeds needed may be increased. For this, please contact our staff for more information.

*Plasmids, E. coli and Agrobacterium require cryopreservation and mailing under dry ice to avoid degradation, inactivation and impact on experimental results.

*The strains, vectors and receptor materials used in the whole experiment can be saved for free for half a year for customers, and you can pick them up at any time if you need them.

2. Experimental process that can be followed at any time

We will equip the whole experiment with experts to provide you with professional and comprehensive project consultation, experiment customization, progress tracking and result report Q&A services. You can work with us with confidence because we will keep our clients informed at key points of the experiment and report project results on a regular basis. With our one-stop service, all you need to do is to submit samples as required and wait patiently for the results, and then we'll do the rest.

3. Ziziphus jujuba transformation results delivery

  • First you will receive the T0 positive seedlings that meet your customized needs.
  • Detailed DNA sequence identification report (test number, positive vaccine number, total number of positives, positivity rate)
  • Information about test primers, vector sequences, variant genes, etc.
  • Experimental data and pictures (exosome infestation, induction of healing, embryonic healing, tissue differentiation, plant regeneration, PCR gel electrophoresis diagram)
  • Complete, detailed and comprehensive experimental data and reports.

We Do Better

  • Our experimental procedures are standardized, and efficient and allow for one-to-one individual customization. We will do our best to meet your needs.
  • For common poplar species, such as 84k and burlap, we will always have sterile seedlings to facilitate genetic transformation projects at any time.
  • We have an experienced team of experts in plant genetics to ensure the successful genetic transformation of a date tree and shorter experimental cycles.
  • Our transformation platform is based on the efficient, stable, and mainstream Agrobacterium infestation method and supports different types of resistance screening.

Lifeasible's experts have comprehensive knowledge and years of experience solving technical problems and challenges in Ziziphus jujuba transformation. We can provide customized solutions to help you study a wide range of date tree varieties. Our services guarantee the success of your project. For more information or any inquiry needs, please feel free to contact us.

For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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